addColumn(ColumnDef) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityDef
Adds a column definition.
addColumn(ColumnDef) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportEntityDef
Adds a column definition.
addColumn(EntityDef, Node) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.EntityConfig
Add a column represented by the XML node to the entity def.
addConfiguredProperty(PropertyElement) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.ColumnValueGeneratorElement
Add a property to the column value generator.
addConfiguredProperty(PropertyElement) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DataGeneratorTask
Adds a property to the plugin properties.
addConfiguredProperty(PropertyElement) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateColumnDefElement
Adds a configured property element to the column def.
addConfiguredProperty(PropertyElement) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateDelimiterElement
Add a property element to the list of child property elements.
addConfiguredProperty(PropertyElement) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.DelimiterFormatterElement
Add a property to the delimiter formatter.
addConfiguredProperty(PropertyElement) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.JDBCExporterTask
Adds a property to the plugin properties.
addConfiguredProperty(PropertyElement) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ColumnDefElement
Adds a configured property element to the column def.
addConfiguredProperty(PropertyElement) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ColumnTranslatorElement
Add a property to the column translator.
addConfiguredProperty(PropertyElement) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ConnectionDefElement
Add a property to the connection definition.
addConfiguredProperty(PropertyElement) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.DelegateColumnDefElement
Adds a configured property element to the column def.
addConfiguredProperty(PropertyElement) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.DelimiterParserElement
Add a property to the delimiter parser.
addConfiguredProperty(PropertyElement) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.EntityDefElement
Adds a configured property element to the entity def.
addConfiguredProperty(PropertyElement) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.JDBCImporterTask
Adds a property to the plugin properties.
addConfiguredProperty(PropertyElement) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.RowTranslatorElement
Add a property to the row translator.
addDataGeneratorListener(DataGeneratorListener) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.DataGenerator
Adds a data generator listener.
addDataGeneratorListener(DataGeneratorListener) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.EntityGenerator
Adds a data generator listener.
addEntity(GenerateEntityDef) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.GenerateDef
Adds an entity definition into the set that is generated.
addEntity(ExportEntityDef) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ExportDef
Adds an entity definition into the set that is exported.
addEntity(ImportEntityDef) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportDef
Adds an entity definition into the set that is imported.
addExportListener(ExportListener) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.EntityExporter
Adds an export listener.
addExportListener(ExportListener) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.Exporter
Adds an export listener.
addImportListener(ImportListener) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityImporter
Adds an import listener.
addImportListener(ImportListener) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.Importer
Adds an import listener.
addMapping(String, String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.CustomObjectFactory
Add a mapping of a short prefix to a class name that is an ancestor of the base class.
addProperty(String, String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnDef
Add a property that is associated with the column def.
addProperty(String, String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityDef
Add a property that is associated with the entity def.
addSourceEntity(EntityDef) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.GenerateDef
Adds an entity definition into the set that will be used as source data.
applyIncrement(Calendar) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.CurrentDateValueGenerator
Parses the increment date string and adds it to the given calendar.
applyProperty(Object, String, String) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.JDBCImporterTask
Apply the property to the given object.
applyProperty(Object, String, String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.CustomObjectFactory
Set the property in the object with the value.
arrayLength - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.CustomMessageFormat
The maximum index of a token.
assertNodeName(String, Node) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportConfig
Asserts that the given node has the given name.


BATCH_COUNT_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportConfig
The attribute name in the IMPORT_TAG element that contains the number of records to import before executing batch update.
BATCH_SUCCESS_ROWS_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportEngine
Static variable that is equal to constant java.sql.Statement.SUCCESS_NO_INFO (from jdk1.4)
BYTES_TYPE - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnValue
Indicates that the column value is a set of bytes
BasicEngine - class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.engine.BasicEngine.
The BasicEngine class implements the ExportEngine interface to provide basic export capability.
BasicEngine() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.engine.BasicEngine
BasicEngine - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.engine.BasicEngine.
The BasicEngine class implements the ImportEngine interface to provide basic import capability.
BasicEngine() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.engine.BasicEngine
BinaryDelimiterParser - interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.BinaryDelimiterParser.
The BinaryDelimiterParser interface defines a set of methods used to parse a binary file into a set of rows to be added to the database.
BinaryDelimiterParserDelegate - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.BinaryDelimiterParserDelegate.
The BinaryDelimiterParserDelegate class implements the BinaryDelimiterParser interface by delegating calls to a DelimiterParser.
BinaryDelimiterParserDelegate(DelimiterParser, String) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.BinaryDelimiterParserDelegate
Creates a BinaryDelimiterParserDelegate with the given DelimiterParser and input stream encoding.
BooleanToIntColumnTranslator - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.BooleanToIntColumnTranslator.
The BooleanToIntColumnTranslator translates a column value of 'true' into an integer (default '1') and 'false' into an integer (default '0') if the column is of type 'BOOLEAN'.
BooleanToIntColumnTranslator() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.BooleanToIntColumnTranslator
baseDir - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.FileToStringColumnTranslator
The directory that the file wile reside in.
baseDir - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.StringToFileColumnTranslator
The base directory from which the files will be read.
batchCount - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityImporter
The number of rows to import before calling executeBatch.
batchMode - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEvent
The flag indicating that batch mode is being used.
batchProcessed(ImportEntityBatchEvent) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportListener
Indicates that a batch of rows have been processed.
batchProcessed(ImportEntityBatchEvent) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.LogImportListener
beginExport() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.Exporter
Export data from the database by processing each entity definition via the export engine.
beginGenerate() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.DataGenerator
Generate data by processing entity definitions via the entity generator.
beginImport() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.Importer
Import data into the database by processing each entity definition via the import engine.
binaryDelimiterParserFactory - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.DataGenerator
The factory for producing binary delimiter parsers.
binaryDelimiterParserFactory - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.Importer
Custom object factory used to create binary delimiter parsers.
binaryDelimiterParserFactory - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportEntityConfigDelegate
Custom object factory that creates binary delimiter parsers.
binaryParser - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.DelimiterParserElement
The wrapped binary delimiter parser.
buildDependencyMap(GenerateEntityDef[]) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.EntityGenerator
Build the dependency map between entities.
bytes - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnValue
The bytes representing the value.


COLUMNTRANSLATOR_PREFIX - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.DataGenerator
Prefix for the column translator classes to use.
COLUMNTRANSLATOR_PREFIX - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.Exporter
Prefix for the column translator type/class mappings to use.
COLUMNTRANSLATOR_PREFIX - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.Importer
Prefix for the column translator type to class in the custom properties.
COLUMN_DEFAULT_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.EntityConfig
The attribute name in the COLUMN_TAG element that contains the default value of the column.
COLUMN_FORMAT_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.EntityConfig
The attribute name in the COLUMN_TAG element that contains the format pattern of the column (only used for date, time and timestamp columns).
COLUMN_NAME_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.EntityConfig
The attribute name in the COLUMN_TAG element that contains the name of the column.
COLUMN_PROPERTY_NAME_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.EntityConfig
The attribute name in the COLUMN_PROPERTY_TAG element that contains the name of the property.
COLUMN_PROPERTY_TAG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.EntityConfig
The element name that contains the column properties.
COLUMN_PROPERTY_VALUE_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.EntityConfig
The attribute name in the COLUMN_PROPERTY_TAG element that contains the value of the property.
COLUMN_SQLTYPE_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.EntityConfig
The attribute name in the COLUMN_TAG element that contains the type of the column.
COLUMN_TAG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.EntityConfig
The element name that contains the ColumnDef.
COLUMN_TRANSLATOR_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportEntityConfigDelegate
The attribute name that contains the ColumnTranslator classname to use on all column values to be exported.
COLUMN_TRANSLATOR_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportEntityConfigDelegate
The element name that contains the ColumnTranslator classname to use on all column values to be imported.
COLUMN_TRANSLATOR_TAG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportEntityConfigDelegate
The element name that contains the ColumnTranslator definition.
COLUMN_TRANSLATOR_TAG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportEntityConfigDelegate
The element name that contains the ColumnTranslator definition to use on all column values to be imported.
COLUMN_TRANSLATOR_TYPE_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportEntityConfigDelegate
The attribute name in the COLUMN_TRANSLATOR_TAG element that contains the column translator type.
COLUMN_TRANSLATOR_TYPE_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportEntityConfigDelegate
The attribute name that contains the ColumnTranslator type that maps to a classname.
COLUMN_VALUE_GENERATOR_TAG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateEntityConfigDelegate
The element name that contains the column value generator definiton.
COLUMN_VALUE_GENERATOR_TYPE_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateEntityConfigDelegate
The attribute name in the COLUMN_VALUE_GENERATOR_TAG element that contains the column value generator type.
COMMIT_COUNT_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportConfig
The attribute name in the IMPORT_TAG element that contains the number of records to import before commiting.
CONNECTION_PREFIX - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.DataGenerator
Prefix for the connection definition classes to use.
CONNECTION_PREFIX - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.Exporter
Prefix for the connection config type/class mappings to use.
CONNECTION_PREFIX - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.Importer
Prefix for the connection definition type to class in the custom properties.
CONNECTION_TAG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateConfig
The element name that contains the ConnectionDef.
CONNECTION_TAG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportConfig
The element name that contains the ConnectionDef.
CONNECTION_TAG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportConfig
The element name that contains the ConnectionDef.
CONNECTION_TYPE_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateConfig
The attribute name in the CONNECTION_TAG element that contains the connection type.
CONNECTION_TYPE_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportConfig
The attribute name in the CONNECTION_TAG element that contains the connection type.
CONNECTION_TYPE_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportConfig
The attribute name in the CONNECTION_TAG element that contains the connection type.
COUNT_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateEntityConfigDelegate
The attribute name that contains the number of rows that will be generated.
CSVDelimiterFormatter - class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.CSVDelimiterFormatter.
The CSVDelimiterFormatter class implements the DelimiterFormatter interface to format column values in a character delimiter format.
CSVDelimiterFormatter() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.CSVDelimiterFormatter
CSVDelimiterFormatterBeanInfo - class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.CSVDelimiterFormatterBeanInfo.
The CSVDelimiterFormatterBeanInfo class provides the custom property editor needed for the property 'emptyPositions'.
CSVDelimiterFormatterBeanInfo() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.CSVDelimiterFormatterBeanInfo
Creates the bean info for CSVDelimiterFormatter.
CSVDelimiterParser - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.CSVDelimiterParser.
The CSVDelimiterParser class implements the DelimiterParser interface to parse character delimited column values.
CSVDelimiterParser() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.CSVDelimiterParser
CSVDelimiterParserBeanInfo - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.CSVDelimiterParserBeanInfo.
The CSVDelimiterParserBeanInfo class provides the custom property editor needed for the property 'ignoredPositions'.
CSVDelimiterParserBeanInfo() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.CSVDelimiterParserBeanInfo
Construct a new bean info for CSVDelimiterParser.
ChoiceValueGenerator - class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.ChoiceValueGenerator.
The ChoiceValueGenerator class generates random values by selecting a value from a list of choices.
ChoiceValueGenerator() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.ChoiceValueGenerator
ColumnDef - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnDef.
The ColumnDef class defines a column in an entity.
ColumnDef() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnDef
ColumnDefElement - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ColumnDefElement.
The ColumnDefElement provides an Ant wrapper for setting a ColumnDef object from Ant.
ColumnDefElement() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ColumnDefElement
ColumnTranslator - interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnTranslator.
The ColumnTranslator interface defines the method used to translate a column value read from a file into a column value to be imported into the database.
ColumnTranslatorElement - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ColumnTranslatorElement.
The ColumnTranslatorElement provides an Ant wrapper for setting a ColumnTranslator object from Ant.
ColumnTranslatorElement(Map) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ColumnTranslatorElement
Creates a ColumnTranslatorElement with the given mapping of column translator types to classes.
ColumnValue - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnValue.
The ColumnValue class represents a column value.
ColumnValue() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnValue
ColumnValueGenerator - interface net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ColumnValueGenerator.
The ColumnValueGenerator generates a value for a column.
ColumnValueGeneratorBase - class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ColumnValueGeneratorBase.
The ColumnValueGeneratorBase class implements some general methods in the ColumnValueGenerator interface.
ColumnValueGeneratorBase() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ColumnValueGeneratorBase
ColumnValueGeneratorElement - class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.ColumnValueGeneratorElement.
The ColumnValueGeneratorElement is an Ant wrapper for a column value generator.
ColumnValueGeneratorElement(Map) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.ColumnValueGeneratorElement
Creates a ColumnValueGeneratorElement with the given plugin mappings.
ConnectionDef - interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ConnectionDef.
The ConnectionDef interface defines methods to retrieve and release java.sql.Connection object.
ConnectionDefElement - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ConnectionDefElement.
The ConnectionDefElement provides an Ant wrapper for setting a ConnectionDef object from Ant.
ConnectionDefElement(Map) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ConnectionDefElement
Constructs an empty ConnectionDefElement with the given mapping between connection definition types and implementations.
CurrentDateValueGenerator - class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.CurrentDateValueGenerator.
The CurrentDateValueGenerator generates the current date/time.
CurrentDateValueGenerator() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.CurrentDateValueGenerator
CustomMessageFormat - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.CustomMessageFormat.
The CustomMessageFormat class formats/parses strings similar to java.text.MessageFormat.
CustomMessageFormat(String) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.CustomMessageFormat
Creates a CustomMessageFormat with the given pattern.
CustomObjectFactory - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.CustomObjectFactory.
The CustomObjectFactory class is a factory for custom objects.
CustomObjectFactory(Class) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.CustomObjectFactory
Creates a new custom object factory that will create objects of the given class.
CustomObjectMapping - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.CustomObjectMapping.
The CustomObjectMapping class provides default mappings for ColumnValueGenerators, ColumnTranslators, ConnectionDefs, DelimiterFormatters and DelimiterParsers.
CustomObjectMapping() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.CustomObjectMapping
catalog - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateEntityDefElement
The name of the catalog that contains the table.
cause - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.InvalidCustomObjectDefException
The root exception cause.
cleanup() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ExportEngine
Cleans up any resources that the export engine used to export data for the current entity definition.
cleanup() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.engine.BasicEngine
cleanup() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.DbColumnTranslator
Cleanup any database resources (ie.
cleanup() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportEngine
Cleans up any resources that the import engine used to import data for the current entity definition.
cleanup() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.engine.BasicEngine
cleanup() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.engine.UpdateEngine
cleanupPool - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.XalanConnectionDef
The flag indicating that the pool should be removed.
columnDef - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ColumnValueGeneratorBase
The column definition.
columnDef - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ColumnDefElement
The wrapped column definition.
columnDefs - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.engine.BasicEngine
The current entity definition's columns that is being exported.
columnDelimiter - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.CSVDelimiterFormatter
The character(s) that separate each column value.
columnDelimiter - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.CSVDelimiterParser
The character(s) that separate each column value.
columnElementNames - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.XMLDelimiterFormatter
The list of names for the column elements.
columnElements - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateEntityDefElement
The list of column def elements.
columnElements - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.ExportEntityDefElement
The list of column def elements.
columnElements - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ImportEntityDefElement
The list of columns.
columnPositions - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.FixedDelimiterFormatter
The number range for each column.
columnPositions - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.FixedDelimiterParser
The number range for each column.
columnTranslatorFactory - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.DataGenerator
The factory for producing column translators.
columnTranslatorFactory - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.Exporter
Custom object factory for column translators.
columnTranslatorFactory - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportEntityConfigDelegate
The custom object factory that can create ColumnTranslators from column translator types.
columnTranslatorFactory - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.Importer
Custom object factory used to create column translators.
columnTranslatorFactory - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportEntityConfigDelegate
Custom object factory that creates column translators.
columnValueGeneratorFactory - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.DataGenerator
The factory for producing column value generators.
columnValueGeneratorFactory - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateEntityConfigDelegate
The custom object factory that can create ColumnValueGenerator from column value generator types.
columnValueGeneratorFactory - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.Importer
Custom object factory used to create column generators.
columnValuesToString(ColumnValue[]) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityImporter
Convert the column values into a string representation for logging purposes.
columns - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityDef
The list of columns.
commitCount - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityImporter
The number of rows to import before calling commit on the connection.
compareResultSet(ResultSet, ImportColumnDef[], int[], ColumnValue[]) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.engine.ImportEngineHelper
Deprecated. Compares the values in the result set with the list of column values.
compareResultSet(ResultSet, ImportColumnDef[], int[], ColumnValue[]) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.JDBCParameterHelper
Compare the row in the result set with the values given.
connection - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.engine.BasicEngine
The JDBC connection.
connectionDef - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ConnectionDefElement
The wrapped connection definition.
connectionDefFactory - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.DataGenerator
The factory for producing connection definitions.
connectionDefFactory - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateConfig
The connection definition object factory.
connectionDefFactory - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.Exporter
Custom object factory for connection definitions.
connectionDefFactory - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportConfig
The connection definition object factory.
connectionDefFactory - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.Importer
Custom object factory used to create connection definitions.
connectionDefFactory - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportConfig
Custom object factory that creates connection definitions.
connectionElement - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DataGeneratorTask
The ConnectionDefElement containing the connection definition.
connectionElement - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.JDBCExporterTask
The ConnectionDefElement containing the connection definition.
connectionElement - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.JDBCImporterTask
The ConnectionDefElement containing the connection definition.
convertStringToSQLType(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnDef
Converts the name (case-insensitive) of a static variable defined in java.sql.Types into the value of the static variable.
count - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateEntityDefElement
The number of rows to generate (used when creating a GenerateEntityDef).
count - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.FileToStringColumnTranslator
The sequence number.
createBinaryDelimiterParser() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateDelimiterElement
Creates a binary delimiter parser and configures it with the list of property elements.
createColumn() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateEntityDefElement
Creates an empty ColumnDefElement and returns it.
createColumn() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.ExportEntityDefElement
Creates an empty ExportColumnDefElement and returns it.
createColumn() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ImportEntityDefElement
Creates an empty ImportColumnDefElement and returns it.
createColumnDef(int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateColumnDefElement
Creates a ColumnDef based on the given entity type (ie.
createColumnDef(Node) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateEntityConfigDelegate
createColumnDef(Node) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportEntityConfigDelegate
createColumnDef(Node) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.EntityConfigDelegate
Create a ColumnDef from the given node and apply any custom attributes.
createColumnDef(Node) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportEntityConfigDelegate
createConnection() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DataGeneratorTask
Creates an empty ConnectionDefElement and returns it.
createConnection() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.JDBCExporterTask
Creates an empty ConnectionDefElement and returns it.
createConnection() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.JDBCImporterTask
Creates an empty ConnectionDefElement and returns it.
createDelimiter() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateEntityDefElement
Creates an empty DelegateDelimiterDefElement and returns it.
createDelimiter() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.ExportEntityDefElement
Creates an empty DelimiterFormatterElement and returns it.
createDelimiter() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ImportEntityDefElement
Creates an empty DelimiterParserElement and returns it.
createDelimiterFormatter() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateDelimiterElement
Creates a delimiter formatter and configures it with the list of property elements.
createDelimiterParser() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateDelimiterElement
Creates a delimiter parser and configures it with the list of property elements.
createEntity() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DataGeneratorTask
Creates an empty EntityDefElement and returns it.
createEntity() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.JDBCExporterTask
Creates an empty EntityDefElement and returns it.
createEntity() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.JDBCImporterTask
Creates an empty EntityDefElement and returns it.
createEntityDef(Node) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateEntityConfigDelegate
createEntityDef(Node) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportEntityConfigDelegate
createEntityDef(Node) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.EntityConfigDelegate
Create an EntityDef from the given node and apply any custom attributes.
createEntityDef(Node) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportEntityConfigDelegate
createFormat() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnDef
Create the format based on the SQL type and the pattern.
createGenerator() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateColumnDefElement
Returns a new column value generator element.
createGenerator() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.DelegateColumnDefElement
Returns a new column value generator element.
createTranslator() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateColumnDefElement
Returns a new column value generator element.
createTranslator() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.ExportColumnDefElement
Returns a new column value generator element.
createTranslator() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.DelegateColumnDefElement
Returns a new column value generator element.
createTranslator() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ImportEntityDefElement
Creates an empty RowTranslatorElement and returns it.
created - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.XalanConnectionDef
The flag indicating that the pool was created by the connection def.


DATAGENERATE_ENTITY_DEF - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateEntityDefElement
Constant indicating a GenerateEntityDef.
DATE_FORMAT - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnDef
The date format.
DECIMAL_FORMAT - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnDef
The decimal format.
DEFAULT_IMPL - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ConnectionDefElement
The default connection definition implementation.
DEFAULT_TYPE - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ConnectionDefElement
The default connection definition type.
DELIMITER_PARSER_PREFIX - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.DataGenerator
Prefix for the delimiter parser classes to use.
DELIMITER_PREFIX - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.DataGenerator
Prefix for the delimiter formatter classes to use.
DELIMITER_PREFIX - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.Exporter
Prefix for the delimiter formatter type/class mappings to use.
DELIMITER_PREFIX - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.Importer
Prefix for the delimiter parser type to class in the custom properties.
DELIMITER_TAG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateEntityConfigDelegate
The element name that contains the delimiter formatter definition.
DELIMITER_TAG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportEntityConfigDelegate
The element name that contains the DelimiterFormatter definition.
DELIMITER_TAG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportEntityConfigDelegate
The element name that contains the DelimiterParser definition.
DELIMITER_TYPE_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateEntityConfigDelegate
The attribute name in the DELIMITER_TAG element that contains contains the delimiter formatter type.
DELIMITER_TYPE_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportEntityConfigDelegate
The attribute name in the DELIMITER_TAG element that contains contains the delimiter type.
DELIMITER_TYPE_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportEntityConfigDelegate
The attribute name in the DELIMITER_TAG element that contains contains the delimiter type.
DataGenerator - class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.DataGenerator.
The DataGenerator class is the main class that controls the generation of data.
DataGenerator() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.DataGenerator
Constructs a new data generator with the default mappings.
DataGeneratorEntityEvent - class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.DataGeneratorEntityEvent.
The DataGeneratorEntityEvent describes the state of an entity being whose data is being generated.
DataGeneratorEntityEvent(Object, GenerateEntityDef, Exception) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.DataGeneratorEntityEvent
Constructs an DataGeneratorEntityEvent.
DataGeneratorEvent - class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.DataGeneratorEvent.
The DataGeneratorEvent describes the state of the data generation.
DataGeneratorEvent(Object, GenerateDef) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.DataGeneratorEvent
Creates a DataGeneratorEvent with the given configuration.
DataGeneratorListener - interface net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.DataGeneratorListener.
The DataGeneratorListener defines methods that are called to indicate the status of the data generation.
DataGeneratorRowEvent - class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.DataGeneratorRowEvent.
The DataGeneratorRowEvent describes the state of a row being generated.
DataGeneratorRowEvent(Object, GenerateEntityDef, String, ColumnValue[], int, Exception) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.DataGeneratorRowEvent
Constructs an DataGeneratorRowEvent
DataGeneratorTask - class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DataGeneratorTask.
The DataGeneratorTask class is the Ant task that controls the generation of data.
DataGeneratorTask() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DataGeneratorTask
Creates an empty data generator task with the default plugin mappings.
DateRangeValueGenerator - class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.DateRangeValueGenerator.
The DateRangeValueGenerator generates random values by selecting a date in the defined date range.
DateRangeValueGenerator() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.DateRangeValueGenerator
DbColumnTranslator - interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.DbColumnTranslator.
The DbColumnTranslator interface defines extra methods used to execute queries on the database that is source/destination of the data.
DelegateColumnDefElement - class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateColumnDefElement.
The DelegateColumnDefElement provides an Ant wrapper for creating a ColumnDef object from Ant.
DelegateColumnDefElement(Map) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateColumnDefElement
Creates a DelegateColumnDefElement with the given mapping between custom types and implementations.
DelegateColumnDefElement - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.DelegateColumnDefElement.
The DelegateColumnDefElement provides an Ant wrapper for creating a ColumnDef object from Ant.
DelegateColumnDefElement(Map) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.DelegateColumnDefElement
Creates a DelegateColumnDefElement with the given mapping between custom types and implementations.
DelegateDelimiterElement - class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateDelimiterElement.
The DelegateDelimiterElement provides an Ant wrapper for creating a delimiter formatter or a delimiter parser.
DelegateDelimiterElement(Map) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateDelimiterElement
Creates a DelegateDelimiterElement with the given mapping between custom types and implementations.
DelegateEntityDefElement - class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateEntityDefElement.
The DelegateEntityDefElement provides an Ant wrapper for creating a EntityDef object from Ant.
DelegateEntityDefElement(Map) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateEntityDefElement
Constructs an DelegateEntityDefElement with the given mapping between custom types and implementations.
DelimiterFormatter - interface net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.DelimiterFormatter.
The DelimiterFormatter interface defines a set of methods used to write a set of rows into a file.
DelimiterFormatterElement - class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.DelimiterFormatterElement.
The DelimiterFormatterElement provides an Ant wrapper for setting a DelimiterFormatter object from Ant.
DelimiterFormatterElement(Map) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.DelimiterFormatterElement
Constructs an empty DelimiterFormatterElement with the given mapping between delimiter formatter types and implementations.
DelimiterParser - interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.DelimiterParser.
The DelimiterParser interface defines a set of methods used to parse a file into a set of rows to be added to the database.
DelimiterParserElement - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.DelimiterParserElement.
The DelimiterParserElement provides an Ant wrapper for setting a DelimiterParser object from Ant.
DelimiterParserElement(Map) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.DelimiterParserElement
Constructs an empty DelimiterParserElement with the given mapping between delimiter parser types and implementations.
DelimiterParserElement(String, Map) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.DelimiterParserElement
Constructs an empty DelimiterParserElement with the given mapping between delimiter parser types and implementations.
DependentChoiceValueGenerator - class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.DependentChoiceValueGenerator.
The DependentChoiceValueGenerator class generates random values by selecting a value from another columns' generated values.
DependentChoiceValueGenerator() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.DependentChoiceValueGenerator
dataGeneratorFinished(DataGeneratorEvent) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.DataGeneratorListener
Indicates that the data generation finished.
dataGeneratorFinished(DataGeneratorEvent) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.LogDataGeneratorListener
dataGeneratorListeners - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.DataGenerator
The event listeners.
dataGeneratorStarted(DataGeneratorEvent) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.DataGeneratorListener
Indicates that the data generation started.
dataGeneratorStarted(DataGeneratorEvent) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.LogDataGeneratorListener
defaultEngine - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.EntityExporter
The export engine.
defaultEngine - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityImporter
The import engine that will be used.
delegate - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.EntityConfig
The delegate that handles creation of EntityDef and ColumnDef objects.
deleteRowFromDisk(String, int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.EntityGenerator
Delete a given row from temporary storage.
delimiterElement - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateEntityDefElement
The delegate delimiter element.
delimiterElement - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.ExportEntityDefElement
The delimiter formatter element.
delimiterElement - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ImportEntityDefElement
The delimiter parser element.
delimiterFormatterFactory - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.DataGenerator
The factory for producing delimiter formatters.
delimiterFormatterFactory - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateEntityConfigDelegate
The custom object factory that can create DelimiterFormatters from delimiter formatter types.
delimiterFormatterFactory - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.Exporter
Custom object factory for delimiter formatters.
delimiterFormatterFactory - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportEntityConfigDelegate
The custom object factory that can create DelimiterFormatters from delimiter formatter types.
delimiterMandatory - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportEntityConfigDelegate
Flag indicating that the 'delimiter' child element is mandatory (default true).
delimiterParserFactory - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.DataGenerator
The factory for producing delimiter parsers.
delimiterParserFactory - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.Importer
Custom object factory used to create delimiter parsers.
delimiterParserFactory - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportEntityConfigDelegate
Custom object factory that creates delimiter parsers.
dependentValues - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ColumnValueGeneratorBase
The map of dependent columns and their values.
documentBuilder - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.XMLDelimiterParser
The XML Parser.
driver - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.JDBCConnectionDef
The JDBC Driver classname.
driver - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.XalanConnectionDef
The JDBC Driver classname.


ENTITY_CATALOG_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.EntityConfig
The attribute name that contains the name of the catalog.
ENTITY_PROPERTY_NAME_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.EntityConfig
The attribute name in the ENTITY_PROPERTY_TAG element that contains the name of the property.
ENTITY_PROPERTY_TAG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.EntityConfig
The element name that contains the entity properties.
ENTITY_PROPERTY_VALUE_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.EntityConfig
The attribute name in the ENTITY_PROPERTY_TAG element that contains the value of the property.
ENTITY_SCHEMA_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.EntityConfig
The attribute name that contains the name of the schema.
ENTITY_TABLE_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.EntityConfig
The attribute name that contains the name of the table.
ENTITY_TAG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateConfig
The element name that contains the EntityDef.
ENTITY_TAG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportConfig
The element name that contains the EntityDef.
ENTITY_TAG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportConfig
The element name that contains the EntityDef.
EXPORT_ENGINE_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportEntityConfigDelegate
The element name that contains the class name of export engine used to export this entity.
EXPORT_ENTITY_DEF - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateEntityDefElement
Constant indicating an ExportEntityDef.
EXPORT_TAG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportConfig
The element name that contains the ExportDef.
EntityConfig - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.EntityConfig.
The EntityConfig class parses a Node to create an EntityDef.
EntityConfig() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.EntityConfig
EntityConfigDelegate - interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.EntityConfigDelegate.
The EntityConfigDelegate interface is a delegate interface used by the EntityConfig to create EntityDef and ColumnDef objects.
EntityDef - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityDef.
The EntityDef class defines an entity (table).
EntityDef() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityDef
EntityDefElement - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.EntityDefElement.
The EntityDefElement provides an Ant wrapper for setting a EntityDef object from Ant.
EntityDefElement() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.EntityDefElement
EntityExporter - class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.EntityExporter.
The EntityExporter class exports an entity into the database using a given export engine.
EntityExporter() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.EntityExporter
EntityGenerator - class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.EntityGenerator.
The EntityGenerator generates data for all the given entities.
EntityGenerator() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.EntityGenerator
EntityImporter - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityImporter.
The EntityImporter class imports an entity into the database using a given import engine.
EntityImporter() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityImporter
ExportColumnDef - class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ExportColumnDef.
The ExportColumnDef class defines a column in an entity that will used in the exporting of data.
ExportColumnDef() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ExportColumnDef
ExportColumnDefElement - class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.ExportColumnDefElement.
The ExportColumnDefElement provides an Ant wrapper for setting a ExportColumnDef object from Ant.
ExportColumnDefElement(Map) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.ExportColumnDefElement
Creates a new ExportColumnDefElement.
ExportConfig - class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportConfig.
The ExportConfig class parses a Node to create an ExportDef.
ExportConfig() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportConfig
Constructs an ExportConfig.
ExportDef - class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ExportDef.
The ExportDef class defines a set of entities to export from a given database.
ExportDef() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ExportDef
ExportEngine - interface net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ExportEngine.
The ExportEngine defines the methods needed to export a row from a database.
ExportEngineHelper - class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.engine.ExportEngineHelper.
Deprecated. Use net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.JDBCHelper instead
ExportEngineHelper() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.engine.ExportEngineHelper
ExportEntityConfigDelegate - class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportEntityConfigDelegate.
The ExportEntityConfigDelegate constructs ExportEntityDef and ExportColumnDef from the Node objects.
ExportEntityConfigDelegate() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportEntityConfigDelegate
Creates an ExportEntityConfigDelegate that requires the 'target' attribute and the 'delimiter' child element.
ExportEntityConfigDelegate(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportEntityConfigDelegate
Creates an ExportEntityConfigDelegate with the given mandatory flags.
ExportEntityDef - class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ExportEntityDef.
The ExportEntityDef class defines an entity (table) to be exported.
ExportEntityDef() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ExportEntityDef
ExportEntityDefElement - class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.ExportEntityDefElement.
The ExportEntityDefElement provides an Ant wrapper for setting a ExportEntityDef object from Ant.
ExportEntityDefElement(Map) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.ExportEntityDefElement
Constructs an EntityDefElement with the given mapping between connection definition/delimiter formatter types and implementations.
ExportEntityEvent - class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.ExportEntityEvent.
The ExportEntityEvent describes the state of an entity being exported.
ExportEntityEvent(Object, ExportEntityDef, Exception) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.ExportEntityEvent
Constructs an ExportEntityEvent.
ExportEntityRowEvent - class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.ExportEntityRowEvent.
The ExportEntityRowEvent describes the state of a row being exported.
ExportEntityRowEvent(Object, ExportEntityDef, String, ColumnValue[], int, Exception) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.ExportEntityRowEvent
Constructs an ExportEntityRowEvent
ExportEvent - class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.ExportEvent.
The ExportEvent describes the state of the export.
ExportEvent(Object, ExportDef, String) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.ExportEvent
Constructs a new export event.
ExportListener - interface net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.ExportListener.
The ExportListener defines methods that are called to indicate the status of the export.
Exporter - class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.Exporter.
The Exporter class is the main class that controls the export of data from the database.
Exporter() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.Exporter
Constructs a new exporter.
emptyPositions - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.CSVDelimiterFormatter
Sets the positions, in the csv, to place empty strings as their values.
emptyStringAsNull - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.JDBCParameterHelper
enclosedDelimiter - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.CSVDelimiterFormatter
The character(s) that enclose each column value.
enclosedDelimiter - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.CSVDelimiterParser
The character(s) that enclose each column value.
enclosedOptional - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.CSVDelimiterFormatter
The flag indicating each column value must be enclosed by the set of characters defined.
enclosedOptional - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.CSVDelimiterParser
Flag indicating that all column values are enclosed by the enclosed delimiter.
encoding - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateEntityDefElement
The encoding charset
engineClassname - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.Exporter
Export engine class name.
engineClassname - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.ExportEntityDefElement
The class name of the engine used for the export of this entity.
engineClassname - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.JDBCExporterTask
The class name of the engine used for the export.
engineClassname - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.ExportEvent
The classname of the ExportEngine in use.
engineClassname - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.Importer
The import engine classname.
engineClassname - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ImportEntityDefElement
The class name of the engine used for the import of this entity.
engineClassname - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.JDBCImporterTask
The class name of the engine used for the import.
engineClassname - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEvent
The classname of the ImportEngine in use.
entityConfig - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateConfig
The entity config that parses data generate entity definitons.
entityConfig - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportConfig
The entity config that parses entity definitons.
entityConfig - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportConfig
The entity config used to create entity definitions from XML nodes.
entityConfigDelegate - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateConfig
The delegate that helps the entity config parse data generate entity definitions.
entityConfigDelegate - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportConfig
The delegate that helps the entity config parse entity definitions.
entityConfigDelegate - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportConfig
The entity config delegate.
entityDataGeneratorFinished(DataGeneratorEntityEvent) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.DataGeneratorListener
Indicates that the data generation for an entity has finished.
entityDataGeneratorFinished(DataGeneratorEntityEvent) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.LogDataGeneratorListener
entityDef - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.DataGeneratorEntityEvent
The configuration of the entity whose data will be generated.
entityDef - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.engine.BasicEngine
The current entity definition that is being exported.
entityDef - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.ExportEntityEvent
The configuration of the entity being exported.
entityDef - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.EntityDefElement
The wrapped entity definition.
entityDef - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEntityEvent
The configuration of the entity being imported.
entityDefType - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateEntityDefElement
The type of EntityDef to create.
entityElements - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DataGeneratorTask
The list of ElementDefElement.
entityElements - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.JDBCExporterTask
The list of entities to be exported.
entityElements - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.JDBCImporterTask
The list of ElementDefElement.
entityExportFinished(ExportEntityEvent) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.ExportListener
Indicates that the export of an entity finished.
entityExportFinished(ExportEntityEvent) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.LogExportListener
entityExportStarted(ExportEntityEvent) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.ExportListener
Indicates that the export of an entity started.
entityExportStarted(ExportEntityEvent) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.LogExportListener
entityImportFinished(ImportEntityEvent) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportListener
Indicates that the import of an entity finished.
entityImportFinished(ImportEntityEvent) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.LogImportListener
entityImportStarted(ImportEntityEvent) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportListener
Indicates that the import of an entity started.
entityImportStarted(ImportEntityEvent) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.LogImportListener
exception - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.DataGeneratorEntityEvent
The exception causing the data generation of the entity to end.
exception - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.ExportEntityEvent
The exception causing the export of the entity to end.
exception - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEntityEvent
The exception causing the import of the entity to end.
execute() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DataGeneratorTask
Export data into the database by processing each entity definition via the export engine.
execute() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.JDBCExporterTask
Export data into the database by processing each entity definition via the export engine.
execute() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.JDBCImporterTask
Import data into the database by processing each entity definition via the import engine.
executeBatch() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportEngine
Call executeBatch on the allocated statements.
executeBatch() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.engine.BasicEngine
executeBatch() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.engine.UpdateEngine
executeSQLFile(Connection, File) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.Importer
Execute a series of sql statements stored in a file.
exportDef - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.Exporter
Export definition.
exportDef - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.JDBCExporterTask
The export definition.
exportDef - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.ExportEvent
The configuration of the export.
exportEngineHelper - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.engine.BasicEngine
The helper class for retrieving parameters from result sets.
exportEntityConfig - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateConfig
The entity config that parses export entity definitons.
exportEntityConfigDelegate - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateConfig
The delegate that helps the entity config parse export entity definitions.
exportFinished(ExportEvent) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.ExportListener
Indicates that the export finished.
exportFinished(ExportEvent) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.LogExportListener
exportListeners - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.EntityExporter
The list of export listeners.
exportListeners - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.Exporter
The list of export listeners.
exportRow() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ExportEngine
Export a row as a set of values from the database
exportRow() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.engine.BasicEngine
exportStarted(ExportEvent) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.ExportListener
Indicates that the export started.
exportStarted(ExportEvent) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.LogExportListener


FULL_NUMBER_FORMAT - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnDef
The integer/long format.
FULL_PREFIX - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.DelimiterParserElement
Alternative prefix used in the properties to identify that this property is a delimiter parser mapping.
FileToStringColumnTranslator - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.FileToStringColumnTranslator.
The FileToStringColumnTranslator translates an InputStream into a filename by writing the contents of the InputStream into a file.
FileToStringColumnTranslator() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.FileToStringColumnTranslator
FixedDelimiterFormatter - class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.FixedDelimiterFormatter.
The FixedDelimiterFormatter class implements the DelimiterFormatter interface to format column values in a fixed file format.
FixedDelimiterFormatter() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.FixedDelimiterFormatter
FixedDelimiterFormatterBeanInfo - class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.FixedDelimiterFormatterBeanInfo.
The FixedDelimiterFormatterBeanInfo class provides the custom property editor needed for the property 'columnPositions'.
FixedDelimiterFormatterBeanInfo() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.FixedDelimiterFormatterBeanInfo
Constructs a new FixedDelimiterFormatterBeanInfo.
FixedDelimiterParser - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.FixedDelimiterParser.
The FixedDelimiterParser class implements the DelimiterParser interface to parse column values from a fixed file format.
FixedDelimiterParser() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.FixedDelimiterParser
FixedDelimiterParserBeanInfo - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.FixedDelimiterParserBeanInfo.
The FixedDelimiterParserBeanInfo class provides the custom property editor needed for the property 'columnPositions'.
FixedDelimiterParserBeanInfo() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.FixedDelimiterParserBeanInfo
Constructs a new FixedDelimiterParserBeanInfo.
failOnError - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityImporter
Flag indicating that the import should stop on the first error (default is false).
failOnError - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.Importer
Flag indicating that the import should stop on the first error (default is false).
failOnError - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.JDBCImporterTask
Flag indicating that the import should stop on the first error (default is false).
falseValue - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.BooleanToIntColumnTranslator
The integer representing the column value 'false'.
falseValue - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.IntToBooleanColumnTranslator
The integer representing the column value 'false'.
filenamePrefix - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.FileToStringColumnTranslator
The filename prefix (default 'file').
filenameSuffix - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.FileToStringColumnTranslator
The filename suffix.
fillInColumnTypes(EntityDef) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.EntityGenerator
Fill in the column SQL Types that are missing.
fillInColumnTypes(ExportEntityDef) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.EntityExporter
Fill in the column SQL Types that are missing.
fillInColumnTypes(ImportEntityDef) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityImporter
Fill in the column types.
fillInValues(EntityDef, ColumnValue[]) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.EntityGenerator
Returns the transformed column values.
fillInValues(ExportEntityDef, ColumnValue[]) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.EntityExporter
Returns the transformed column values.
fillInValues(EntityImporterState, ColumnValue[]) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityImporter
Fill in the column values with default values, if necessary, and call column translators for the values.
findColumn(GenerateEntityState, String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.EntityGenerator
Find the state of the column's generation of data.
finish() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.DelimiterFormatter
Finishs the writing of rows to the output source.
finish() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.CSVDelimiterFormatter
finish() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.FixedDelimiterFormatter
finish() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.PatternDelimiterFormatter
finish() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.XMLDelimiterFormatter
fireDataGeneratorEntityEvent(DataGeneratorEntityEvent) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.EntityGenerator
Fire a data generator entity event to the listeners.
fireDataGeneratorEvent(DataGeneratorEvent, boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.DataGenerator
Fire a data generator event to the event listeners.
fireDataGeneratorRowEvent(DataGeneratorRowEvent) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.EntityGenerator
Fire a data generator row event to the listeners.
fireExportEntityEvent(ExportEntityEvent, boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.Exporter
Fire an export entity event to the listeners.
fireExportEntityRowEvent(ExportEntityRowEvent) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.EntityExporter
Fire an export entity row event to the listeners.
fireExportEvent(ExportEvent, boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.Exporter
Fire an export event to the listeners.
fireImportEntityBatchEvent(ImportEntityBatchEvent) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityImporter
Fire an import entity batch event to the listeners.
fireImportEntityEvent(ImportEntityEvent, boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.Importer
Fire an import entity event to the listeners.
fireImportEntityRowEvent(ImportEntityRowEvent) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityImporter
Fire an import entity row event to the listeners.
fireImportEvent(ImportEvent, boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.Importer
Fire an import event to the listeners.
firstLine - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.CSVDelimiterParser
Flag indicating that the first line has been read from the input reader.
forkThread - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.XMLDelimiterParser
Flag to indicate that a thread should be forked to transform the XML.
format(Object, StringBuffer, FieldPosition) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.CustomMessageFormat
formatValues(ColumnValue[]) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.DelimiterFormatter
Creates a string representing the row of column values.
formatValues(ColumnValue[]) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.CSVDelimiterFormatter
formatValues(ColumnValue[]) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.FixedDelimiterFormatter
formatValues(ColumnValue[]) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.PatternDelimiterFormatter
formatValues(ColumnValue[]) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.XMLDelimiterFormatter
formatter - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.DelimiterFormatterElement
The wrapped delimiter formatter.


GENERATE_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportEntityConfigDelegate
The attribute name in the COLUMN_TAG element that defines whether the column is imported from the source file (false) or generated (true).
GENERATE_TAG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateConfig
The element name that contains the GenerateDef.
GENERATOR_PREFIX - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.DataGenerator
Prefix for the column value generator classes to use.
GENERATOR_PREFIX - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.Importer
Prefix for the column value generator classes to use.
GenerateColumnDef - class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.GenerateColumnDef.
The GenerateColumnDef class represents a column whose values will be generated by the DataGenerator.
GenerateColumnDef() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.GenerateColumnDef
GenerateConfig - class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateConfig.
The GenerateConfig class parses a Node to create an GenerateDef.
GenerateConfig() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateConfig
Constructs an GenerateConfig.
GenerateDef - class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.GenerateDef.
The GenerateDef class defines a set of entities to generate data for.
GenerateDef() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.GenerateDef
GenerateEntityConfigDelegate - class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateEntityConfigDelegate.
The GenerateEntityConfigDelegate constructs GenerateEntityDef and GenerateColumnDef from the Node objects.
GenerateEntityConfigDelegate() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateEntityConfigDelegate
GenerateEntityDef - class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.GenerateEntityDef.
The GenerateEntityDef defines an entity (table) that the DataGenerator will generate values for.
GenerateEntityDef() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.GenerateEntityDef
generateColumnConfigDelegate - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportEntityConfigDelegate
Delegate used to create GenerateColumnDef.
generateDef - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.DataGenerator
The data generation definition.
generateDef - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.DataGeneratorEvent
The configuration of the data generation.
getBadFile() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportDef
Returns the log file to write bad data.
getBadRows() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEntityBatchEvent
Returns the row indices that could not be imported.
getBatchCount() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportDef
Returns the number of rows to import before calling executeBatch.
getBatchCount() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEvent
Returns the batch count used in this import.
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.CSVDelimiterFormatterBeanInfo
Returns the bean descriptor.
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.FixedDelimiterFormatterBeanInfo
Returns the bean descriptor.
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.CSVDelimiterParserBeanInfo
Returns the bean descriptor.
getBeanDescriptor() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.FixedDelimiterParserBeanInfo
Returns the bean descriptor.
getBinaryDelimiterParser() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportEntityDef
Returns the binary delimiter parser used to parse the input file.
getBinaryDelimiterParser() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.DelimiterParserElement
Returns the wrapped binary delimiter parser.
getBytes() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnValue
Returns the column value as an array of bytes.
getCatalog() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.DataGeneratorEntityEvent
Returns the catalog that the entity belongs to.
getCatalog() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.DataGeneratorRowEvent
Returns the catalog that the entity belongs to.
getCatalog() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.ExportEntityEvent
Returns the catalog that the entity belongs to.
getCatalog() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.ExportEntityRowEvent
Returns the catalog that the entity belongs to.
getCatalog() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityDef
Returns the name of the catalog.
getCatalog() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEntityBatchEvent
Returns the catalog that the entity belongs to.
getCatalog() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEntityEvent
Returns the catalog that the entity belongs to.
getCatalog() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEntityRowEvent
Returns the catalog that the entity belongs to.
getColumn(ResultSet, int, ColumnDef) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.engine.ExportEngineHelper
Deprecated. Returns the column value from the result set.
getColumn() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.MalformedDataException
Returns the index of the column that caused the exception.
getColumn(ResultSet, int, ColumnDef) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.engine.ImportEngineHelper
Deprecated. Returns column value at the given column location.
getColumn(ResultSet, int, ColumnDef) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.JDBCParameterHelper
Returns the column value for a given column index in the result set.
getColumnCount() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.DataGeneratorEntityEvent
Returns the number of columns for each row being generated.
getColumnCount() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.ExportEntityEvent
Returns the number of columns for each row being exported.
getColumnCount() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityDef
Returns the number of columns
getColumnCount() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEntityEvent
Returns the number of columns for each row being imported.
getColumnDef() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.ExportColumnDefElement
Returns the column definition.
getColumnDef() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ColumnDefElement
Returns the column definition.
getColumnDef() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.DelegateColumnDefElement
Creates a ColumnDef based on the given entity type (ie.
getColumnDelimiter() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.CSVDelimiterFormatter
Returns the character(s) that separate each column value.
getColumnDelimiter() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.CSVDelimiterParser
Returns the character(s) that separate each column value.
getColumnEnclosedNextRow() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.CSVDelimiterParser
Returns the next row which may span multiple lines.
getColumnIterator() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityDef
Returns the list of columns.
getColumnValueGenerator() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.GenerateColumnDef
Returns the generator used to generate values for this column.
getColumnValueGenerator() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.ColumnValueGeneratorElement
Returns the wrapped column value generator.
getColumns() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.GenerateEntityDef
Returns the list of columns whose values should be generated.
getColumns() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ExportEntityDef
Returns the list of columns that will be exported.
getColumns() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportEntityDef
Returns the list of columns that will be imported
getCommitCount() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportDef
Returns the number of rows to import before committing.
getCommitCount() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEvent
Returns the commit count used in this import.
getConnection() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ExportEngine
Returns the database connection to use for exporting the row.
getConnection() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.engine.BasicEngine
getConnection() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ConnectionDef
Returns the connection.
getConnection() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportEngine
Returns the database connection to use for importing the row.
getConnection() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.JDBCConnectionDef
getConnection() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.JNDIConnectionDef
getConnection() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.XalanConnectionDef
getConnection() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.engine.BasicEngine
getConnection() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.engine.UpdateEngine
getConnectionDef() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.GenerateDef
Returns to the connection definition.
getConnectionDef() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ExportDef
Returns to the connection definition.
getConnectionDef() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportDef
Returns to the connection definition.
getConnectionDef() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ConnectionDefElement
Returns the wrapped connection definition.
getCount() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.GenerateEntityDef
Returns the number of rows to generate.
getCount() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.DataGeneratorEntityEvent
Returns the number of rows that will be generated.
getDefaultColumnTranslatorMapping() - Static method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.CustomObjectMapping
Returns the default mappings for ColumnTranslators.
getDefaultColumnValueGeneratorMapping() - Static method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.CustomObjectMapping
Returns the default mappings for ColumnValueGenerators.
getDefaultConnectionDefMapping() - Static method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.CustomObjectMapping
Returns the default mappings for ConnectionDefs.
getDefaultDelimiterFormatterMapping() - Static method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.CustomObjectMapping
Returns the default mappings for DelimiterFormatters.
getDefaultDelimiterParserMapping() - Static method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.CustomObjectMapping
Returns the default mappings for DelimiterParsers.
getDefaultRowTranslatorMapping() - Static method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.CustomObjectMapping
Returns the default mappings for RowTranslators.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnDef
Returns the default value of the column.
getDefinedPrimaryKeys() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.engine.UpdateEngine
Returns the list of primary keys defined in the import xml.
getDelimiterFormatter() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.GenerateEntityDef
Returns the delimiter formatter used to format the output file.
getDelimiterFormatter() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ExportEntityDef
Returns the delimiter formatter used by the engine.
getDelimiterFormatter() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.DelimiterFormatterElement
Returns the wrapped delimiter formatter.
getDelimiterParser() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportEntityDef
Returns the delimiter parser used to parse the input file
getDelimiterParser() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.DelimiterParserElement
Returns the wrapped delimiter parser.
getDependencies() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ColumnValueGenerator
Returns the columns that this generator needs values for before it can generate a value.
getDependencies() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.ChoiceValueGenerator
getDependencies() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.CurrentDateValueGenerator
getDependencies() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.DateRangeValueGenerator
getDependencies() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.DependentChoiceValueGenerator
getDependencies() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.NumberExpressionValueGenerator
getDependencies() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.NumberRangeValueGenerator
getDependencies() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.NumberSequenceValueGenerator
getDriver() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.JDBCConnectionDef
Returns the driver classname.
getDriver() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.XalanConnectionDef
Returns the driver classname.
getEnclosedDelimiter() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.CSVDelimiterFormatter
Returns the character(s) that enclose each column value.
getEnclosedDelimiter() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.CSVDelimiterParser
Returns the character(s) that enclose each column value.
getEngineClassname() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.ExportEntityEvent
getEngineClassname() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.ExportEvent
Returns the classname of the ExportEngine being used.
getEngineClassname() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEntityEvent
getEngineClassname() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEvent
Returns the classname of the ImportEngine being used.
getEntities() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.GenerateDef
Returns the set of entity definitions to generate.
getEntities() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ExportDef
Returns the set of entity definitions to export.
getEntities() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportDef
Returns the set of entity definitions to import.
getEntity(Node) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.EntityConfig
Returns the EntityDef defined in the given Node.
getEntityConfig(Node) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateConfig
Returns the correct EntityConfig that can handle parsing the given node.
getEntityCount() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.DataGeneratorEvent
Returns the number of entities whose data will be generated.
getEntityCount() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.ExportEvent
Returns the number of entities in this import.
getEntityCount() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEvent
Returns the number of entities in this import.
getEntityDef() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateEntityDefElement
Returns the wrapped entity definition.
getEntityDef() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.ExportEntityDefElement
Returns the wrapped entity definition.
getEntityDef() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ImportEntityDefElement
Returns the wrapped entity definition.
getException() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.DataGeneratorEntityEvent
Returns the exception that caused the data generation of the entity to finish.
getException() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.DataGeneratorRowEvent
Returns the exception that prevented the row from being data generated.
getException() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.ExportEntityEvent
Returns the exception that caused the export of the entity to finish.
getException() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.ExportEntityRowEvent
Returns the exception that prevented the row from being exported.
getException() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEntityBatchEvent
Returns the exception that caused some rows to not be imported.
getException() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEntityEvent
Returns the exception that caused the import of the entity to finish.
getException() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEntityRowEvent
Returns the exception that prevented the row from being imported.
getExport(Node) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportConfig
Returns the ExportDef defined in the given Node.
getExportEngine() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ExportEntityDef
Returns the export engine to use when exporting data for this entity.
getFirstElementChild(Node) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportConfig
Returns the first element child of the given node.
getFirstElementChild(Node, String) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportConfig
Returns the first element child of the given node with the given name.
getFormat() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnDef
Returns the format used when parsing the data in the file.
getFormatPattern() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnDef
Returns the format pattern used when parsing the data in the file.
getFullyQualifiedTableName(DatabaseMetaData, String, String, String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.JDBCParameterHelper
Returns the fully qualified table name (that includes the catalog and the schema).
getGenerate(Node) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateConfig
Returns the GenerateDef defined in the given Node.
getGoodRows() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEntityBatchEvent
Returns the row indices that were imported.
getHeader() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.CSVDelimiterFormatter
Returns the header of the output file.
getImport(Node) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportConfig
Returns the ImportDef defined in the given Node.
getImportDef() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.Importer
Returns the ImportDef.
getImportEngine() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportEntityDef
Returns the import engine to use when importing data for this entity.
getInputStream() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnValue
Returns the column value as an input stream.
getInputStreamLength() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnValue
Returns the length of the input stream.
getLogFile() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.GenerateDef
Returns the log file to write log messages.
getLogFile() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ExportDef
Returns the log file to write log messages.
getLogFile() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportDef
Returns the log file to write log messages.
getMin() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.XalanConnectionDef
Returns the min number of connections in the pool.
getName() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnDef
Returns the name of the column
getName() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.PropertyElement
Returns the name of the property.
getName() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.XalanConnectionDef
Returns the name of the pool.
getNextColumnValue(int, Random) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ColumnValueGenerator
Returns the next generated value.
getNextColumnValue(int, Random) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.ChoiceValueGenerator
getNextColumnValue(int, Random) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.CurrentDateValueGenerator
getNextColumnValue(int, Random) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.DateRangeValueGenerator
getNextColumnValue(int, Random) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.DependentChoiceValueGenerator
getNextColumnValue(int, Random) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.NumberExpressionValueGenerator
getNextColumnValue(int, Random) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.NumberRangeValueGenerator
getNextColumnValue(int, Random) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.NumberSequenceValueGenerator
getNextElementSibling(Node) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportConfig
Returns the next element sibling of the given node.
getNextExceptions() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.MultipleBatchUpdateException
Returns the SQLExceptions that occurred when the executeBatch method was called.
getNextRow() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.BinaryDelimiterParser
Returns the next row to be imported as an Object.
getNextRow() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.DelimiterParser
Returns the next row to be imported as a String.
getNextRow() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.BinaryDelimiterParserDelegate
getNextRow() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.CSVDelimiterParser
getNextRow() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.FixedDelimiterParser
getNextRow() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.PatternDelimiterParser
getNextRow() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.XMLDelimiterParser
getNodeValue(Node) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportConfig
Returns the first child's value of the given node.
getNumBytesToSkip() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportEntityDef
Returns the number of bytes to skip before passing to the reader to the delimiter parser.
getObject() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnValue
Returns the column value as an object.
getObjectImpl(String, Map) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.CustomObjectFactory
Create a custom object based on the class name mapped to the prefix and apply the properties to the custom object.
getPassword() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.JDBCConnectionDef
Return the password.
getPassword() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.XalanConnectionDef
Return the password.
getPostSQLFile() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportDef
Returns the file containing the sql statements that will be executed after the import.
getPreSQLFile() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportDef
Returns the file containing the sql statements that will be executed before the import.
getPrimaryKeys(String, String, String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.engine.UpdateEngine
Returns the list of primary keys from the DatabaseMeta.
getProperties(NodeList) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportConfig
Returns a map of all the property elements found in the given node list.
getProperties() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.JDBCConnectionDef
Returns the properties.
getProperties() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.XalanConnectionDef
Returns the properties.
getProperty(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnDef
Returns the value of a property that is associated with the column def.
getProperty(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityDef
Returns the value of a property that is associated with the entity def.
getPropertyDescriptors() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.CSVDelimiterFormatterBeanInfo
Returns the array of property descriptors for the bean.
getPropertyDescriptors() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.FixedDelimiterFormatterBeanInfo
Returns the array of property descriptors for the bean.
getPropertyDescriptors() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.CSVDelimiterParserBeanInfo
Returns the array of property descriptors for the bean.
getPropertyDescriptors() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.FixedDelimiterParserBeanInfo
Returns the array of property descriptors for the bean.
getRow() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.DataGeneratorRowEvent
Returns the line representing the row.
getRow() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.ExportEntityRowEvent
Returns the line representing the row.
getRow() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.MalformedDataException
Returns the row that caused the exception.
getRow() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEntityRowEvent
Returns the line representing the row.
getRowAsString(Object) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.BinaryDelimiterParser
Returns the String representation of the next row.
getRowAsString(Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.BinaryDelimiterParserDelegate
getRowTranslator() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportEntityDef
Returns the row translator.
getSchema() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.DataGeneratorEntityEvent
Returns the schema that the entity belongs to.
getSchema() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.DataGeneratorRowEvent
Returns the schema that the entity belongs to.
getSchema() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.ExportEntityEvent
Returns the schema that the entity belongs to.
getSchema() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.ExportEntityRowEvent
Returns the schema that the entity belongs to.
getSchema() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityDef
Returns the name of the schema.
getSchema() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEntityBatchEvent
Returns the schema that the entity belongs to.
getSchema() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEntityEvent
Returns the schema that the entity belongs to.
getSchema() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEntityRowEvent
Returns the schema that the entity belongs to.
getSource() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportEntityDef
Returns the file containing the data to import.
getSourceEncoding() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportEntityDef
Returns the file's encoding of the import data (may be null).
getSourceEntities() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.GenerateDef
Returns the set of entity definitions used as source data.
getSourceEntityCount() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.DataGeneratorEvent
Returns the number of entities used for source data.
getState() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.DataGeneratorRowEvent
Returns the state of the data generation of the row.
getState() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.ExportEntityRowEvent
Returns the state of the export of the row.
getState() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEntityRowEvent
Returns the state of the import of the row.
getString() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnValue
Returns the column value as a String.
getTable() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.DataGeneratorEntityEvent
Returns the table name.
getTable() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.DataGeneratorRowEvent
Returns the table name.
getTable() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.ExportEntityEvent
Returns the table name.
getTable() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.ExportEntityRowEvent
Returns the table name.
getTable() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityDef
Returns the name of the table.
getTable() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEntityBatchEvent
Returns the table name.
getTable() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEntityEvent
Returns the table name.
getTable() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEntityRowEvent
Returns the table name.
getTarget() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.GenerateEntityDef
Returns the file containing the data generated.
getTarget() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ExportEntityDef
Returns the file to write the export data to.
getTargetEncoding() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.GenerateEntityDef
Returns the target file's encoding (may be null).
getTargetEncoding() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ExportEntityDef
Returns the target file's encoding (may be null).
getTranslateFrom() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.SystemTimeColumnTranslator
Returns the column value that will be translated into the current date/time.
getTranslator() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ExportColumnDef
Returns the column translator used on every row's column value during the export.
getTranslator() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportColumnDef
Returns the column translator used on every row's column value during the import.
getTranslator() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ColumnTranslatorElement
Returns the column translator.
getTranslator() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.RowTranslatorElement
Returns the row translator.
getType() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnDef
Returns the sql type of the column
getUrl() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.JDBCConnectionDef
Returns the connection url.
getUrl() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.XalanConnectionDef
Returns the connection url.
getUsername() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.JDBCConnectionDef
Returns the username.
getUsername() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.XalanConnectionDef
Returns the username.
getValue(ColumnDef, ColumnValue) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnTranslator
Returns the translated column value.
getValue() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.PropertyElement
Returns the value of the property.
getValue(ColumnDef, ColumnValue) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.BooleanToIntColumnTranslator
getValue(ColumnDef, ColumnValue) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.FileToStringColumnTranslator
getValue(ColumnDef, ColumnValue) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.IntToBooleanColumnTranslator
getValue(ColumnDef, ColumnValue) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.StringToFileColumnTranslator
getValue(ColumnDef, ColumnValue) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.SystemTimeColumnTranslator
getValues() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.DataGeneratorRowEvent
Returns the column values of the row.
getValues() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.ExportEntityRowEvent
Returns the column values of the row.
getValues(Object) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.BinaryDelimiterParser
Returns the column values for the row specified.
getValues(String) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.DelimiterParser
Returns the column values for the row specified.
getValues(EntityDef, ColumnValue[]) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.RowTranslator
Returns the translated row's values.
getValues() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEntityRowEvent
Returns the column values of the row.
getValues(Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.BinaryDelimiterParserDelegate
getValues(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.CSVDelimiterParser
getValues(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.FixedDelimiterParser
getValues(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.PatternDelimiterParser
getValues(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.XMLDelimiterParser
getValues(EntityDef, ColumnValue[]) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.rowtranslator.SkipRowsRowTranslator
getWhereClause() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ExportEntityDef
Returns the SQL where clause that will restrict the data exported.


hasColumnsToGenerate() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportEntityDef
Returns true if some column's values need to be generated.
hasImportFailed() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.Importer
Returns the flag indicating that the import failed.
header - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.CSVDelimiterFormatter
The initial contents of the file.
helper - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.engine.ExportEngineHelper
Deprecated. The real implementation.
helper - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.engine.ImportEngineHelper
Deprecated. The helper.


IMPORT_ENGINE_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportEntityConfigDelegate
The attribute name that contains the class name of import engine used to import this entity.
IMPORT_ENTITY_DEF - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateEntityDefElement
Constant indicating an ImportEntityDef.
IMPORT_TAG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportConfig
The element name that contains the ImportDef.
ImportColumnDef - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportColumnDef.
The ImportColumnDef class defines a column in an entity that will used in the importing of data.
ImportColumnDef() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportColumnDef
ImportConfig - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportConfig.
The ImportConfig class parses a Node to create an ImportDef.
ImportConfig() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportConfig
Constructs an ImportConfig.
ImportDef - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportDef.
The ImportDef class defines a set of entities to import into a given database.
ImportDef() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportDef
ImportEngine - interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportEngine.
The ImportEngine defines the methods needed to import a row into a database.
ImportEngineHelper - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.engine.ImportEngineHelper.
Deprecated. Use net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.JDBCHelper
ImportEngineHelper() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.engine.ImportEngineHelper
ImportEntityBatchEvent - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEntityBatchEvent.
The ImportEntityBatchEvent represents the state of a batch import.
ImportEntityBatchEvent(Object, ImportEntityDef, int[], int[], Exception) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEntityBatchEvent
Constructs a new ImportEntityBatchEvent
ImportEntityConfigDelegate - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportEntityConfigDelegate.
The ImportEntityConfigDelegate is an implementation of the EntityConfigDelegate that creates ImportEntityDef and ImportColumnDef.
ImportEntityConfigDelegate() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportEntityConfigDelegate
Creates an ImportEntityConfigDelegate.
ImportEntityDef - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportEntityDef.
The ImportEntityDef class defines an entity (table) to be imported.
ImportEntityDef() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportEntityDef
ImportEntityDefElement - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ImportEntityDefElement.
The ImportEntityDefElement provides an Ant wrapper for setting a ImportEntityDef object from Ant.
ImportEntityDefElement(Map) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ImportEntityDefElement
Constructs an EntityDefElement with the given mapping between connection definition/delimiter parser types and implementations.
ImportEntityEvent - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEntityEvent.
The ImportEntityEvent describes the state of an entity being imported.
ImportEntityEvent(Object, ImportEntityDef, Exception) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEntityEvent
Constructs an ImportEntityEvent.
ImportEntityRowEvent - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEntityRowEvent.
The ImportEntityRowEvent describes the state of a row being imported.
ImportEntityRowEvent(Object, ImportEntityDef, String, ColumnValue[], int, Exception) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEntityRowEvent
Constructs an ImportEntityRowEvent
ImportEvent - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEvent.
The ImportEvent describes the state of the import.
ImportEvent(Object, ImportDef, String, boolean) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEvent
Constructs a new import event.
ImportListener - interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportListener.
The ImportListener defines methods that are called to indicate the status of the import.
Importer - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.Importer.
The Importer class is the main class that controls the import of data to the database.
Importer() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.Importer
Constructs a new importer.
IntToBooleanColumnTranslator - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.IntToBooleanColumnTranslator.
The IntToBooleanColumnTranslator translates a column value (default '1') into 'true' and (default '0') into 'false' if the column is of type 'BOOLEAN'.
IntToBooleanColumnTranslator() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.IntToBooleanColumnTranslator
IntegerArrayEditor - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.IntegerArrayEditor.
The IntegerArrayEditor converts a comma-separated list of numbers into an array of integers.
IntegerArrayEditor() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.IntegerArrayEditor
IntegerRangeArrayEditor - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.IntegerRangeArrayEditor.
The IntegerRangeArrayEditor class parses a comma separated list of two numbers with a '-' character in between (ex '1-10,13-20,21-23') into a two dimensional array of integers.
IntegerRangeArrayEditor() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.IntegerRangeArrayEditor
InvalidCustomObjectDefException - exception net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.InvalidCustomObjectDefException.
The InvalidCustomObjectDefException is an exception thrown when trying to create a custom object from the CustomObjectFactory.
InvalidCustomObjectDefException(String, Exception) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.InvalidCustomObjectDefException
Constructor with a message and a root exception cause.
InvalidCustomObjectDefException(String) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.InvalidCustomObjectDefException
Constructor with a message.
ignoreFirstLine - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.CSVDelimiterParser
Flag indicating that the first line should be ignored.
ignoredPositions - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.CSVDelimiterParser
The column indices in the file that should be skipped.
importDef - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.Importer
The import definition.
importDef - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.JDBCImporterTask
The import definition.
importDef - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEvent
The configuration of the import.
importEntityConfig - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateConfig
The entity config that parses import entity definitons.
importEntityConfigDelegate - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateConfig
The delegate that helps the entity config parse import entity definitions.
importFailed - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.Importer
Flag indicating that the import failed and the fail on error flag is set to true.
importFinished(ImportEvent) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportListener
Indicates that the import finished.
importFinished(ImportEvent) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.LogImportListener
importListeners - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityImporter
The list of import listeners.
importListeners - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.Importer
The list of import listeners.
importNextRow(EntityImporterState, Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityImporter
Import the next row.
importRow(ColumnValue[]) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportEngine
Imports the given set of values as a row into the database
importRow(ColumnValue[]) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.engine.BasicEngine
importRow(ColumnValue[]) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.engine.UpdateEngine
importStarted(ImportEvent) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportListener
Indicates that the import started.
importStarted(ImportEvent) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.LogImportListener
init() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ExportEngine
Initializes the export engine with the current entity definition.
init() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.engine.BasicEngine
init() - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportEngine
Initializes the import engine with the current entity definition.
init() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.engine.BasicEngine
init() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.engine.UpdateEngine
initConnection(GenerateDef, Node) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateConfig
Load the connection definition defined in the given node into the GenerateDef.
initConnection(ExportDef, Node) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportConfig
Load the connection definition defined in the given node into the ExportDef.
initConnection(ImportDef, Node) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportConfig
Initializes the connection definition from the XML node.
initDelimiter(GenerateEntityDef, Node) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateEntityConfigDelegate
Load the delimiter formatter defined in the given node into the GenerateEntityDef.
initDelimiter(ExportEntityDef, Node) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportEntityConfigDelegate
Load the delimiter formatter defined in the given node into the ExportEntityDef.
initDelimiter(ImportEntityDef, Node) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportEntityConfigDelegate
Initialize the delimiter parser from the XML node.
initDelimiterParserElement() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateDelimiterElement
Creates the real delimiter parser element.
initExportDef(InputSource) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.Exporter
Read and parse the export config file into an ExportDef class.
initFileReader() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.XMLDelimiterParser
Initializes a file reader that will be used to parse the resulting XML.
initGenerateDef(InputSource) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.DataGenerator
Read and parses the generate config file into a GenerateDef class.
initImportDef(InputSource) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.Importer
Read and parse the import config file into an ImportDef class.
initPipedReader() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.XMLDelimiterParser
Initializes a piped reader that will be used to parse the resulting XML.
initPlugins(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.DataGenerator
Parse the plugin property file and adds the external connection definition classes, delimiter formatter and column value generator classes to the appropriate factories.
initPlugins(Properties) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.DataGenerator
Adds the external connection definition classes, delimiter formatter, delimiter parsers, column value generator, and column translator classes to the appropriate factories.
initPlugins(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.Exporter
Parse the plugin property file and adds the external connection definition classes and delimiter formatter classes to the appropriate factories.
initPlugins(Properties) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.Exporter
Adds the external connection definition classes and delimiter formatter classes to the appropriate factories.
initPlugins(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.Importer
Parse the plugin property file and adds the external connection definition config classes and delimiter parser config classes to the appropriate factories.
initPlugins(Properties) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.Importer
Initialize the plugin mappings.
initRowTranslator(ImportEntityDef, Node) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportEntityConfigDelegate
Initialize the row translator from the XML node.
initStringReader() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.XMLDelimiterParser
Initializes a string reader that will be used to parse the resulting XML.
inputReader - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.CSVDelimiterParser
The input reader.
inputStream - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnValue
The input stream representing the value.
inputStreamLength - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnValue
The length of the input stream.
inputType - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnValue
The type of the value (must be one of STRING_TYPE, BYTES_TYPE, STREAM_TYPE, OBJECT_TYPE).
instantiateTranslator(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportEntityConfigDelegate
Instantiate a column translator.
instantiateTranslator(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ColumnTranslatorElement
Instantiate the column translator.
instantiateTranslator(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportEntityConfigDelegate
Instantiate the ColumnTranslator.
isBatchMode() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEvent
Returns if the import is using batch mode.
isBinaryDelimiterParser() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateDelimiterElement
Returns true if the delimiter parser is a binary delimiter parser.
isBinaryDelimiterParser() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.DelimiterParserElement
Returns true if the wrapped delimiter parser is a binary delimiter parser.
isBytes() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnValue
Returns true if the column value is an array of bytes.
isCleanupPool() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.XalanConnectionDef
Returns true if the connection def should cleanup the pool that it created.
isEnclosedOptional() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.CSVDelimiterFormatter
Returns whether each column value must be enclosed by the set of characters defined.
isEnclosedOptional() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.CSVDelimiterParser
Returns whether each column value must be enclosed by the set of characters defined.
isInputStream() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnValue
Returns true if the column value is an input stream.
isObject() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnValue
Returns true if the column value is an object.
isString() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnValue
Returns true if the column value is a String.
isStringNull(int, String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.JDBCParameterHelper
isTrimValues() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportDef
Returns whether values should be trimmed after reading them from the delimiter parser.


JDBCConnectionDef - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.JDBCConnectionDef.
The JDBCConnectionDef class defines the attributes to use to retrieve a connection from the DriverManager.
JDBCConnectionDef() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.JDBCConnectionDef
JDBCExporterTask - class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.JDBCExporterTask.
The JDBCExporterTask class is the Ant task that controls the export of data from the database.
JDBCExporterTask() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.JDBCExporterTask
Creates a JDBCExporter Ant task.
JDBCImporterTask - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.JDBCImporterTask.
The JDBCImporterTask class is the Ant task that controls the import of data to the database.
JDBCImporterTask() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.JDBCImporterTask
Create a JDBCImporter Ant task.
JDBCParameterHelper - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.JDBCParameterHelper.
The JDBCParameterHelper provides a methods to set parameters of a PreparedStatement and retrieve values from a ResultSet.
JDBCParameterHelper() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.JDBCParameterHelper
JNDIConnectionDef - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.JNDIConnectionDef.
The JNDIConnectionDef defines attributes to use to retrieve a connection from a data source in a JNDI namespace.
JNDIConnectionDef() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.JNDIConnectionDef
Create a JNDI connection definition.


LOG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.DataGenerator
The log for debug information.
LOG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.EntityGenerator
The log for debug information.
LOG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DataGeneratorTask
The log for debug information.
LOG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.EntityExporter
The log for debug information.
LOG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.Exporter
The log for debug information.
LOG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.ExportEntityDefElement
The log for debug information.
LOG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.JDBCExporterTask
The log for debug information.
LOG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportEntityConfigDelegate
The log for debug information.
LOG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityImporter
The log for debug information.
LOG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.Importer
The log for debug information.
LOG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ImportEntityDefElement
The log for debug information.
LOG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.JDBCImporterTask
The log for debug information.
LOG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.FileToStringColumnTranslator
The log for error information.
LOG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.StringToFileColumnTranslator
The log for error information.
LOG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportEntityConfigDelegate
The log for debug information.
LOG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.JDBCConnectionDef
The log for debug information.
LOG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.JNDIConnectionDef
The log for debug information.
LOG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.engine.BasicEngine
The log for debug information.
LOG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.engine.UpdateEngine
The log for debug information.
LOG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.CSVDelimiterParser
The log for debug information.
LOG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.FixedDelimiterParser
The log for debug information.
LOG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.XMLDelimiterParser
The log for debug information.
LOG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.JDBCParameterHelper
The log for debug information.
LOG_BAD_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportConfig
The attribute name in the IMPORT_TAG element that contains the filename of the log file to write bad data.
LOG_FILE_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateConfig
The attribute name in the LOG_TAG element that contains the filename of the log file.
LOG_FILE_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportConfig
The attribute name in the LOG_TAG element that contains the filename of the log file.
LOG_FILE_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportConfig
The attribute name in the IMPORT_TAG element that contains the filename of the log file.
LogDataGeneratorListener - class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.LogDataGeneratorListener.
The LogDataGeneratorListener is a data generator listener that writes to log file during the data generation.
LogDataGeneratorListener(Writer) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.LogDataGeneratorListener
Creates a LogDataGeneratorListener that outputs to the given writer.
LogExportListener - class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.LogExportListener.
The LogExportListener is a export listener that writes to log file during the export.
LogExportListener(Writer) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.LogExportListener
Create a LogExportListener with the given log writer.
LogImportListener - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.LogImportListener.
The LogImportListener is a import listener that writes to log and bad files during the import.
LogImportListener(Writer, Writer) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.LogImportListener
Create a LogImportListener with the given log and bad writer.
length - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.FixedDelimiterFormatter
The length of each row in the file.
length - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.FixedDelimiterParser
The length of each row in the file.
loadExportSourceValues(GenerateEntityState) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.EntityGenerator
Load the source values for a given entity from the database.
loadImportSourceValues(GenerateEntityState) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.EntityGenerator
Load the source values for a given entity from a file.
loadSourceValues(GenerateColumnState) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.EntityGenerator
Load the source values for a given column.


MalformedDataException - exception net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.MalformedDataException.
The MalformedDataException exception indicates that one or more column values for the given row is cannot be imported.
MalformedDataException(String) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.MalformedDataException
Constructs a MalformedDataException with no column identified.
MalformedDataException(String, int) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.MalformedDataException
Constructs a MalformedDataException for the given column index.
MalformedDataException(String, Exception) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.MalformedDataException
Constructs a MalformedDataException with no column indicated.
MalformedDataException(String, int, Exception) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.MalformedDataException
Constructs a MalformedDataException for the given column index and a wrapped exception.
MalformedDataException(String, String, Exception) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.MalformedDataException
Constructs a MalformedDataException for the given column index and a wrapped exception.
MultipleBatchUpdateException - exception net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.MultipleBatchUpdateException.
The MultipleBatchUpdateException is used to combine multiple SQLExceptions into one exception.
MultipleBatchUpdateException(int[]) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.MultipleBatchUpdateException
Creates the exception with the given row states.
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.DataGenerator
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.NumberExpressionValueGenerator
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.Exporter
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.Importer
mapping - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.CustomObjectFactory
The mapping between types and implementation class names.
min - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.XalanConnectionDef
The minimum number of connections to allocate in the pool.
multiline - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.CSVDelimiterParser
Flag indicating that rows could be multi-line.


NumberExpressionValueGenerator - class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.NumberExpressionValueGenerator.
The NumberExpressionValueGenerator generates values by evaluating an numeric expression.
NumberExpressionValueGenerator() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.NumberExpressionValueGenerator
NumberRangeValueGenerator - class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.NumberRangeValueGenerator.
The NumberRangeValueGenerator generates random values by selecting a number in the defined number range.
NumberRangeValueGenerator() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.NumberRangeValueGenerator
NumberSequenceValueGenerator - class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.NumberSequenceValueGenerator.
The NumberSequenceValueGenerator generates values by incrementing a number.
NumberSequenceValueGenerator() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.NumberSequenceValueGenerator
name - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.PropertyElement
The name of the property.
name - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.XalanConnectionDef
The name of pool.
net.sourceforge.datagenerator - package net.sourceforge.datagenerator
Provides the main classes and interfaces for DataGenerator.
net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant - package net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant
Provides the main classes for the Ant DataGenerator task.
net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config - package net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config
Provides the main classes and interfaces to parse an XML document into an GenerateDef.
net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event - package net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event
Provides the main classes and interfaces for DataGenerator event listener interface.
net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator - package net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator
Provides the classes that implement the ColumnValueGenerator.
net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter - package net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter
Provides the main classes and interfaces for JDBCExporter.
net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant - package net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant
Provides the main classes for the Ant JDBCExporter task.
net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config - package net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config
Provides the main classes and interfaces to parse an XML document into an ExportDef.
net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.engine - package net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.engine
Provides the classes that implement the ExportEngine interface.
net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event - package net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event
Provides the main classes and interfaces for JDBCExporter event listener interface.
net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter - package net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter
Provides the classes that implement the DelimiterFormatter interface.
net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter - package net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter
Provides the main classes and interfaces for JDBCImporter.
net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant - package net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant
Provides the main classes for the Ant JDBCImporter task.
net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator - package net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator
Provides the classes that implement the ColumnTranslator interface.
net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config - package net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config
Provides the main classes and interfaces to parse an XML document into an ImportDef.
net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection - package net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection
Provides the classes that implement ConnectionDef interface and related classes to parse the ConnectionDef implementation from the XML document.
net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.engine - package net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.engine
Provides the classes that implement the ImportEngine interface.
net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event - package net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event
Provides the main classes and interfaces for JDBCImporter event listener interface.
net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser - package net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser
Provides the classes that implement the DelimiterParse interface.
net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.rowtranslator - package net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.rowtranslator
Provides the classes that implement the RowTranslator interface.
net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util - package net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util
Provides utility classes.
numRows - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.rowtranslator.SkipRowsRowTranslator
The number of rows to skip.


OBJECT_TYPE - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnValue
Indicates that the column value is an object
objBaseClass - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.CustomObjectFactory
The base interface or class for all custom object created.
object - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnValue
The object representing the value.


POST_SQL_FILE_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportConfig
The attribute name in the IMPORT_TAG element that contains the filename of the sql script file that will be executed after the import.
PREFIX - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.ColumnValueGeneratorElement
The prefix used in the properties to identify that this property is a connection definition mapping.
PREFIX - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.DelimiterFormatterElement
The prefix used in the properties to identify that this property is a delimiter formatter definition mapping.
PREFIX - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ColumnTranslatorElement
The prefix used in the properties to identify that this property is a column translator mapping.
PREFIX - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ConnectionDefElement
The prefix used in the properties to identify that this property is a connection definition mapping.
PREFIX - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.DelimiterParserElement
The prefix used in the properties to identify that this property is a delimiter parser mapping.
PREFIX - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.RowTranslatorElement
The prefix used in the properties to identify that this property is a row translator mapping.
PRE_SQL_FILE_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportConfig
The attribute name in the IMPORT_TAG element that contains the filename of the sql script file that will be executed before the import.
PRIMARY_KEY_PROPERTY - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.engine.UpdateEngine
The property on a column definition that will indicate the the column is a primary key (the value should be 'true').
PROPERTY_NAME_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportConfig
The attribute name in the PROPERTY_TAG element that contains the name of the custom property.
PROPERTY_TAG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportConfig
The element name that contains a custom property.
PROPERTY_VALUE_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportConfig
The attribute name in the PROPERTY_TAG element that contains the value of the custom property.
PatternDelimiterFormatter - class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.PatternDelimiterFormatter.
The PatternDelimiterFormatter class implements the DelimiterFormatter interface to format column values in a java.text.MessageFormat pattern.
PatternDelimiterFormatter() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.PatternDelimiterFormatter
PatternDelimiterParser - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.PatternDelimiterParser.
The PatternDelimiterParser class implements the DelimiterParser interface to parse column values based on a java.text.MessageFormat pattern.
PatternDelimiterParser() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.PatternDelimiterParser
PropertyElement - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.PropertyElement.
The PropertyElement provides an Ant wrapper for setting a property into a connection definition, delimiter parser or plugin mapping.
PropertyElement() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.PropertyElement
parseColumnDelimitedLine(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.CSVDelimiterParser
Parse the character delimited line into ColumnValues.
parseColumnEnclosedDelimitedLine(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.CSVDelimiterParser
Parse the character delimited line, whose values are also enclosed, into ColumnValues.
parseDate(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.DateRangeValueGenerator
Parse the string value into a date.
parseIncrement() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.DateRangeValueGenerator
Parses the increment date string and returns the increment as number of milliseconds.
parseNumber(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.NumberRangeValueGenerator
Parse the string into a number.
parseNumber(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.NumberSequenceValueGenerator
Parse the string into a number.
parseObject(String, ParsePosition) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.CustomMessageFormat
parsePattern(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.CustomMessageFormat
Parses the pattern into an internal format.
parser - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.DelimiterParserElement
The wrapped delimiter parser.
password - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.JDBCConnectionDef
The password.
password - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.XalanConnectionDef
The password.
pattern - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.CustomMessageFormat
The pattern without the tokens.
plugins - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DataGeneratorTask
The mapping between connection definition/column value generator/delimiter formatter types and implementations.
plugins - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateColumnDefElement
The plugin mapping for custom types and classes.
plugins - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateDelimiterElement
The mapping between custom types and implementations.
plugins - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateEntityDefElement
The mapping between custom types and implementations.
plugins - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.DelimiterFormatterElement
The mapping between delimiter formatter types and implementations.
plugins - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.ExportEntityDefElement
The mapping between connection definition/delimiter formatter types and implementations.
plugins - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.JDBCExporterTask
The mapping between connection definition/column translator/delimiter formatter types and implementations.
plugins - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ConnectionDefElement
The mapping between connection definition types and implementations.
plugins - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.DelegateColumnDefElement
The plugin mapping for custom types and classes.
plugins - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.DelimiterParserElement
The mapping between delimtier parser types and implementations.
plugins - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ImportEntityDefElement
The mapping between connection definition/delimiter parser types and implementations.
plugins - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.JDBCImporterTask
The mapping between connection definition/delimiter parser types and implementations.
poolManager - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.XalanConnectionDef
The connection pool manager.
prefix - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.DelimiterParserElement
The current prefix used to lookup delimiter parsers.
printStackTrace() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.MalformedDataException
Overrides printStackTrace().
printStackTrace(PrintStream) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.MalformedDataException
Overrides printStackTrace(PrintStream).
processBatchUpdateException(ImportEntityDef, List, BatchUpdateException) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityImporter
Process batch update exception.
processEntities(GenerateEntityDef[]) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.EntityGenerator
Process the given entity definitions.
processEntity(GenerateEntityState, boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.EntityGenerator
Process the current entity state by generating data for the columns.
processEntity(ExportEntityDef) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.EntityExporter
Process the given entity definition by ensuring that all columns defined have an SQL Type, applying any ColumnTranslator to each column value, formatting the rows with the appropriate DelimiterFormatter and using the ExportEngine to export the row to a file.
processEntity(ImportEntityDef) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityImporter
Process the given entity definition by ensuring that all columns defined have an SQL Type, parsing the file with the appropriate DelimiterParser, applying any ColumnTranslator to each column value and using the ImportEngine to import the row.
properties - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.JDBCConnectionDef
The properties for the connection.
properties - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.XalanConnectionDef
The properties for the connection.
propertyElements - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateDelimiterElement
The list of child property elements.


ROWTRANSLATOR_PREFIX - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.Importer
Prefix for the row translator type to class in the custom properties.
ROW_TRANSLATOR_TAG - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportEntityConfigDelegate
The element name that contains the RowTranslator definition.
ROW_TRANSLATOR_TYPE_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportEntityConfigDelegate
The attribute name that contains the RowTranslator type that maps to a classname.
RowTranslator - interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.RowTranslator.
The RowTranslator interface defines the method used to translate a row's values from a file into a row's values to be imported into the database.
RowTranslatorElement - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.RowTranslatorElement.
The RowTranslatorElement provides an Ant wrapper for setting a RowTranslator object from Ant.
RowTranslatorElement(Map) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.RowTranslatorElement
Creates a RowTranslatorElement with the given mapping of row translator types to classes.
random - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityImporter
Random number generator used for columns that will be generated.
readRowFromDisk(String, int, ColumnValue[]) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.EntityGenerator
Read a given row to from a temporary file.
reader - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.FixedDelimiterParser
The input reader.
realParserElement - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateDelimiterElement
The real delimiter parser element.
releaseConnection(Connection) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ConnectionDef
Releases the connection specified.
releaseConnection(Connection) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.JDBCConnectionDef
releaseConnection(Connection) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.JNDIConnectionDef
releaseConnection(Connection) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.XalanConnectionDef
removeDataGeneratorListener(DataGeneratorListener) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.DataGenerator
Removes a data generator listener.
removeDataGeneratorListener(DataGeneratorListener) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.EntityGenerator
Removes a data generator listener.
removeExportListener(ExportListener) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.EntityExporter
Removes an export listener.
removeExportListener(ExportListener) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.Exporter
Removes an export listener.
removeImportListener(ImportListener) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityImporter
Removes an import listener.
removeImportListener(ImportListener) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.Importer
Removes an import listener.
resolveRowStates(Connection, ImportEntityDef, List, int[], int[]) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.engine.ImportEngineHelper
Deprecated. Resolve the states of the rows.
resolveRowStates(Connection, ImportEntityDef, List, int[], int[]) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.JDBCParameterHelper
Resolve whether the rows provided where imported into the database by select them based on the key indices.
resultSet - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.engine.BasicEngine
The result set.
rowElementName - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.XMLDelimiterFormatter
The name of the element that encloses the row data.
rowGenerated(DataGeneratorRowEvent) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.DataGeneratorListener
Indicates that a row has been generated.
rowGenerated(DataGeneratorRowEvent) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.LogDataGeneratorListener
rowProcessed(ExportEntityRowEvent) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.ExportListener
Indicates that a row has been processed.
rowProcessed(ExportEntityRowEvent) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.LogExportListener
rowProcessed(ImportEntityRowEvent) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportListener
Indicates that a row has been processed.
rowProcessed(ImportEntityRowEvent) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.LogImportListener
rowTranslatorElement - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ImportEntityDefElement
The row translator element.
rowTranslatorFactory - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.Importer
Custom object factory used to create row translators.
rowTranslatorFactory - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportEntityConfigDelegate
Custom object factory that creates row translators.
rowsElementName - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.XMLDelimiterFormatter
The root element name.


SELECT_POSTFIX_PROPERTY - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.engine.UpdateEngine
The property on an entity definition whose value will be appended to the select statement.
SOURCE_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportEntityConfigDelegate
The attribute name that contains the name of data file to import with this entity.
SOURCE_DB_VALUE - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateConfig
The source attribute's value that indicates that the entity should be an ExportEntityDef.
SOURCE_ENCODING_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportEntityConfigDelegate
The attribute name that contains the encoding of the source file.
STATE_BATCH - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEntityRowEvent
Constant that indicates the rows was processed successfully but hasn't been imported.
STATE_ERROR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.DataGeneratorRowEvent
Constant that indicates there was an error generating the row.
STATE_ERROR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.ExportEntityRowEvent
Constant that indicates there was an error processing the row.
STATE_ERROR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEntityRowEvent
Constant that indicates there was an error processing the row.
STATE_SUCCESS - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.DataGeneratorRowEvent
Constant that indicates the row was generated successfully.
STATE_SUCCESS - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.ExportEntityRowEvent
Constant that indicates the row was exported successfully.
STATE_SUCCESS - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.ImportEntityRowEvent
Constant that indicates the row was imported successfully.
STREAM_TYPE - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnValue
Indicates that the column value is an input stream
STRING_TYPE - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnValue
Indicates that the column value is a String
SYSTEM_TIME - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.SystemTimeColumnTranslator
The default string that will be converted into the current date/time.
SkipRowsRowTranslator - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.rowtranslator.SkipRowsRowTranslator.
The SkipRowsRowTranslator translates a row's values so that the first n rows are skipped.
SkipRowsRowTranslator() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.rowtranslator.SkipRowsRowTranslator
StringToFileColumnTranslator - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.StringToFileColumnTranslator.
The StringToFileColumnTranslator translates a String into an InputStream by reading in a file whose name matches the string.
StringToFileColumnTranslator() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.StringToFileColumnTranslator
SystemTimeColumnTranslator - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.SystemTimeColumnTranslator.
The SystemTimeColumnTranslator translates a specific column value (default: 'SYSTEMTIME') into the current date/time if the column is of type 'DATE', 'TIMESTAMP' or 'TIME'.
SystemTimeColumnTranslator() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.SystemTimeColumnTranslator
schema - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateEntityDefElement
The name of the schema that owns the table.
setAsText(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.IntegerArrayEditor
Parses a string into an array of integers that are in ascending order.
setAsText(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.IntegerRangeArrayEditor
Parses a string into a two dimensional array of integers.
setBadFile(File) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportDef
Sets the log file to write bad data.
setBaseDir(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.FileToStringColumnTranslator
Sets the base directory that the files will reside in.
setBaseDir(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.StringToFileColumnTranslator
Sets the base directory from which the files will be read.
setBatchCount(int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityImporter
Sets the number of records to import before executing a batch update.
setBatchCount(int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportDef
Sets the number of rows to import before calling executeBatch.
setBatchCount(int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.JDBCImporterTask
Sets the number of rows to import before calling execute batch.
setBatchMode(boolean) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportEngine
Sets whether the import will use batch mode.
setBatchMode(boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.engine.BasicEngine
setBatchMode(boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.engine.UpdateEngine
setBinaryDelimiterParser(BinaryDelimiterParser) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportEntityDef
Sets the binary delimiter parser used to parse the input file into rows and columns to be imported into the database.
setBinaryDelimiterParserFactory(CustomObjectFactory) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateConfig
Sets the BinaryDelimiterParserFactory to use when creating EntityDef(s).
setBinaryDelimiterParserFactory(CustomObjectFactory) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportConfig
Sets the BinaryDelimiterParser factory to use when creating EntityDef(s).
setBinaryDelimiterParserFactory(CustomObjectFactory) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportEntityConfigDelegate
Sets the BinaryDelimiterParser factory to use when creating the EntityDef.
setBytes(byte[]) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnValue
Sets the column value as an array of bytes.
setCatalog(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateEntityDefElement
Sets the name of the catalog that contains the table.
setCatalog(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityDef
Sets the name of the catalog that contains the table.
setCatalog(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.EntityDefElement
Sets the name of the catalog that contains the table.
setChoices(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.ChoiceValueGenerator
Set the list of choices.
setClassname(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ColumnTranslatorElement
Set the class name of the column translator and instantiate the column translator.
setCleanupPool(boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.XalanConnectionDef
Sets the flag the determines if the connection def should cleanup the pool that it created.
setColumn(PreparedStatement, int, ColumnDef, ColumnValue) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.engine.ImportEngineHelper
Deprecated. Set the column value in the prepared statement.
setColumn(PreparedStatement, int, ColumnDef, ColumnValue) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.JDBCParameterHelper
Set the column value in the prepared statement.
setColumnDef(ColumnDef) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ColumnValueGenerator
Sets the column definition.
setColumnDef(ColumnDef) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ColumnValueGeneratorBase
setColumnDelimiter(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.CSVDelimiterFormatter
Sets the character(s) that separate each column value.
setColumnDelimiter(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.CSVDelimiterParser
Sets the character(s) that separate each column value.
setColumnElements(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.XMLDelimiterFormatter
Sets the list of names for the column elements.
setColumnPositions(int[][]) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.FixedDelimiterFormatter
Sets the number range for each column value.
setColumnPositions(int[][]) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.FixedDelimiterParser
Sets the number range for each column value.
setColumnTranslatorFactory(CustomObjectFactory) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateConfig
Sets the ColumnTranslatorFactory to use when creating EntityDef(s).
setColumnTranslatorFactory(CustomObjectFactory) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportConfig
Sets the factory to use when creating column translators.
setColumnTranslatorFactory(CustomObjectFactory) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportEntityConfigDelegate
Set the custom object factory for create column translators.
setColumnTranslatorFactory(CustomObjectFactory) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportConfig
Sets the ColumnTranslator factory to use when creating ColumnDef(s).
setColumnTranslatorFactory(CustomObjectFactory) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportEntityConfigDelegate
Sets the ColumnTranslator factory to use when creating the ColumnDef(s).
setColumnValueGenerator(ColumnValueGenerator) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.GenerateColumnDef
Sets the generator used to generate values for this column.
setColumnValueGeneratorFactory(CustomObjectFactory) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateConfig
Sets the ColumnValueGeneratorFactory to use when creating EntityDef(s).
setColumnValueGeneratorFactory(CustomObjectFactory) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateEntityConfigDelegate
Set the custom object factory for creating column value generators.
setColumnValueGeneratorFactory(CustomObjectFactory) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportConfig
Sets the ColumnValueGeneratorFactory to use when creating ColumnDef(s).
setColumnValueGeneratorFactory(CustomObjectFactory) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportEntityConfigDelegate
Set the custom object factory for creating column value generators.
setCommitCount(int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityImporter
Sets the number of records to import before committing.
setCommitCount(int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportDef
Sets the number of rows to import before committing.
setCommitCount(int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.JDBCImporterTask
Sets the number of rows to import before committing.
setConnection(Connection) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.EntityGenerator
Set the connection.
setConnection(Connection) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ExportEngine
Sets the database connection to use for exporting the row.
setConnection(Connection) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.engine.BasicEngine
setConnection(Connection) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportEngine
Sets the database connection to use for importing the row.
setConnection(Connection) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.engine.BasicEngine
setConnection(Connection) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.engine.UpdateEngine
setConnectionDef(ConnectionDef) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.GenerateDef
Sets the connection definition.
setConnectionDef(ConnectionDef) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ExportDef
Sets the connection definition.
setConnectionDef(ConnectionDef) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportDef
Sets the connection definition.
setConnectionDefFactory(CustomObjectFactory) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateConfig
Sets the ConnectionDefFactory to use when creating an GenerateDef.
setConnectionDefFactory(CustomObjectFactory) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportConfig
Sets the factory to use when creating an connection definitions.
setConnectionDefFactory(CustomObjectFactory) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportConfig
Sets the ConnectionDef factory to use when creating an ImportDef.
setCount(int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.GenerateEntityDef
Sets the number of rows to generate.
setCount(int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateEntityDefElement
Sets the number of rows to generate
setDefaultValue(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateColumnDefElement
Sets the default value of the column.
setDefaultValue(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnDef
Sets the default value of the column.
setDefaultValue(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ColumnDefElement
Sets the default value of the column.
setDefaultValue(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.DelegateColumnDefElement
Sets the default value of the column.
setDelegate(EntityConfigDelegate) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.EntityConfig
Set the delegate that handles creation of EntityDef and ColumnDef objects.
setDelimiterFormatter(DelimiterFormatter) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.GenerateEntityDef
Sets the delimiter formatter used to format rows and columns into the output file.
setDelimiterFormatter(DelimiterFormatter) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ExportEntityDef
Set the delimiter formatter.
setDelimiterFormatterFactory(CustomObjectFactory) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateConfig
Sets the DelimiterFormatterFactory to use when creating EntityDef(s).
setDelimiterFormatterFactory(CustomObjectFactory) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateEntityConfigDelegate
Set the custom object factory for creating delimiter formatters.
setDelimiterFormatterFactory(CustomObjectFactory) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportConfig
Sets the factory to use when creating delimiter formatters.
setDelimiterFormatterFactory(CustomObjectFactory) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportEntityConfigDelegate
Set the custom object factory for creating delimiter formatters.
setDelimiterParser(DelimiterParser) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportEntityDef
Sets the delimiter parser used to parse the input file into rows and columns to be imported into the database.
setDelimiterParserFactory(CustomObjectFactory) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateConfig
Sets the DelimiterParserFactory to use when creating EntityDef(s).
setDelimiterParserFactory(CustomObjectFactory) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportConfig
Sets the DelimiterParser factory to use when creating EntityDef(s).
setDelimiterParserFactory(CustomObjectFactory) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportEntityConfigDelegate
Sets the DelimiterParser factory to use when creating the EntityDef.
setDependency(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.DependentChoiceValueGenerator
Set the column whose values will be available to choose from.
setDependentValue(String, String) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ColumnValueGenerator
Sets the dependent value for the give column.
setDependentValue(String, String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ColumnValueGeneratorBase
setDependentValues(String, String[]) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ColumnValueGenerator
Sets the dependent values for the given column.
setDependentValues(String, String[]) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ColumnValueGeneratorBase
setDriver(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.JDBCConnectionDef
Sets the driver classname.
setDriver(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.XalanConnectionDef
Sets the driver classname.
setEmptyPositions(int[]) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.CSVDelimiterFormatter
Sets the positions, in the csv, to place empty strings as their values.
setEmptyStringAsNull(boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.JDBCParameterHelper
Sets a flag indicating how empty strings are set in a prepared statement.
setEnclosedDelimiter(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.CSVDelimiterFormatter
Sets the character(s) that enclose each column value.
setEnclosedDelimiter(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.CSVDelimiterParser
Sets the character(s) that enclose each column value.
setEnclosedOptional(boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.CSVDelimiterFormatter
Sets that each column value must be enclosed by the set of characters defined.
setEnclosedOptional(boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.CSVDelimiterParser
Sets that each column value must be enclosed by the set of characters defined.
setEncoding(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateEntityDefElement
Sets the encoding of the source or target file.
setEncoding(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.ExportEntityDefElement
Sets the target file's encoding.
setEncoding(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ImportEntityDefElement
Sets the encoding of the source file.
setEnd(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.DateRangeValueGenerator
Sets the end date.
setEnd(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.NumberRangeValueGenerator
Set the end number.
setEngine(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.Exporter
Sets the export engine to use.
setEngine(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.ExportEntityDefElement
Sets the class name of the engine used for the export of the entity.
setEngine(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.JDBCExporterTask
Sets the class name of the engine used for the export.
setEngine(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.Importer
Sets the import engine to use.
setEngine(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ImportEntityDefElement
Sets the class name of the engine used for the import of the entity.
setEngine(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.JDBCImporterTask
Sets the class name of the engine used for the import.
setEntityDef(ExportEntityDef) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ExportEngine
Sets the entity definition to use for exporting the row
setEntityDef(ExportEntityDef) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.engine.BasicEngine
setEntityDef(ImportEntityDef) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportEngine
Sets the entity definition to use for importing the row
setEntityDef(ImportEntityDef) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.engine.BasicEngine
setEntityDef(ImportEntityDef) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.engine.UpdateEngine
setExportDef(ExportDef) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.Exporter
Sets the export def.
setExportEngine(ExportEngine) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.EntityExporter
Sets the export engine.
setExportEngine(ExportEngine) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ExportEntityDef
Sets the export engine to use when exporting data for this entity.
setExpression(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.NumberExpressionValueGenerator
Set the expression.
setFailonerror(boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityImporter
Sets a flag to indicate that the import should stop after the first error.
setFailonerror(boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.Importer
Sets a flag to indicate that the import should stop after the first error.
setFailonerror(boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.JDBCImporterTask
Sets a flag to indicate that the import should stop after the first error.
setFalseValue(int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.BooleanToIntColumnTranslator
Sets the integer value representing 'false'.
setFalseValue(int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.IntToBooleanColumnTranslator
Sets the integer value representing 'false'.
setFilenamePrefix(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.FileToStringColumnTranslator
Sets the filename prefix for all files created.
setFilenameSuffix(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.FileToStringColumnTranslator
Sets the filename suffix for all files created.
setForkThread(boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.XMLDelimiterParser
Sets a flag to indicate whether the XMLDelimiterParser will fork a thread to process the XSL.
setFormat(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateColumnDefElement
Sets the format pattern used when parsing the data in the file.
setFormat(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ColumnDefElement
Sets the format pattern used when parsing the data in the file.
setFormat(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.DelegateColumnDefElement
Sets the format pattern used when parsing the data in the file.
setFormatPattern(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnDef
Sets the format pattern used when parsing the data in the file.
setGenerate(boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.DelegateColumnDefElement
Sets the generate flag to indicate whether this column will be generated.
setGenerateDef(GenerateDef) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.DataGenerator
Sets the generate def.
setHeader(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.CSVDelimiterFormatter
Sets the header of the output file.
setIgnoreFirstLine(boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.CSVDelimiterParser
Sets the flag to indicate that the first line should be ignored.
setIgnoredPositions(int[]) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.CSVDelimiterParser
Sets the positions, in the csv, to ignore and not return as values.
setImportDef(ImportDef) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.Importer
Sets the ImportDef.
setImportEngine(ImportEngine) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityImporter
Sets the import engine.
setImportEngine(ImportEngine) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportEntityDef
Sets the import engine to use when importing data for this entity.
setIncrement(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.CurrentDateValueGenerator
Sets the increment date that will split the range into a finite set.
setIncrement(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.DateRangeValueGenerator
Sets the increment date that will split the range into a finite set.
setIncrement(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.NumberRangeValueGenerator
Set the increment number that will split the range into a finite set.
setIncrement(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.NumberSequenceValueGenerator
Set the increment number that will added to the subsequent generated value.
setInputStream(InputStream) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.BinaryDelimiterParser
Sets the input source for the parser.
setInputStream(InputStream) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnValue
Sets the column value as an input stream.
setInputStream(InputStream, int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnValue
Sets the column value as an input stream.
setInputStream(InputStream) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.BinaryDelimiterParserDelegate
setLength(int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.FixedDelimiterFormatter
Sets the length of each row.
setLength(int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.FixedDelimiterParser
Sets the length of each row.
setLogFile(File) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.GenerateDef
Sets the log file to write log messages.
setLogFile(File) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ExportDef
Sets the log file to write log messages.
setLogFile(File) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportDef
Sets the log file to write log messages.
setMin(int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.XalanConnectionDef
Sets the minimum number of connections in the pool.
setMultiline(boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.CSVDelimiterParser
Sets the flag to indicate that the csv may contain rows that span multiple lines.
setName(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateColumnDefElement
Sets the name of the column.
setName(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnDef
Sets the name of the column.
setName(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ColumnDefElement
Sets the name of the column.
setName(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.DelegateColumnDefElement
Sets the name of the column.
setName(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.PropertyElement
Sets the name of the property.
setName(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.JNDIConnectionDef
Sets the name of the data source.
setName(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.XalanConnectionDef
Sets the name of the pool in Xalan.
setNextExceptions(SQLException[]) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.MultipleBatchUpdateException
Sets the SQLExceptions that caused the batch update exception.
setNumBytesToSkip(int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportEntityDef
Sets the number of bytes to skip before passing the reader to the delimiter parser.
setNumRows(int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.rowtranslator.SkipRowsRowTranslator
Sets the number of rows to skip.
setObject(Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnValue
Sets the column value as an object.
setObjectFactories(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.JNDIConnectionDef
Sets the list of classnames that should be used as object factories.
setPassword(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.JDBCConnectionDef
Sets the password.
setPassword(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.XalanConnectionDef
Sets the password.
setPattern(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.PatternDelimiterFormatter
Sets the pattern to use when formatting the values.
setPattern(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.PatternDelimiterParser
Sets the pattern to use when parsing values.
setPostSQLFile(File) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportDef
Sets the file containing the sql statements that will be executed after the import.
setPostSQLFile(File) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.JDBCImporterTask
Sets the file containing the sql statements that will be executed after the import.
setPreSQLFile(File) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportDef
Sets the file containing the sql statements that will be executed before the import.
setPreSQLFile(File) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.JDBCImporterTask
Sets the file containing the sql statements that will be executed before the import.
setProperties(Properties) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.JDBCConnectionDef
Sets the properties.
setProperties(Properties) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.XalanConnectionDef
Sets the properties.
setProviderURL(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.JNDIConnectionDef
Sets the url of the JNDI.
setReader(Reader) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.DelimiterParser
Sets the input source for the parser.
setReader(Reader) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.CSVDelimiterParser
setReader(Reader) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.FixedDelimiterParser
setReader(Reader) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.PatternDelimiterParser
setReader(Reader) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.XMLDelimiterParser
setResultFile(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.XMLDelimiterParser
Sets the file to store the resulting XML after it has been transformed by the XSL.
setRow(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.MalformedDataException
Sets the row that caused the exception.
setRowElement(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.XMLDelimiterFormatter
Sets the name of the element that encloses the row data.
setRowTranslator(RowTranslator) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportEntityDef
Sets the row translator.
setRowTranslatorFactory(CustomObjectFactory) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportConfig
Sets the RowTranslatorFactory to use when creating EntityDef(s).
setRowTranslatorFactory(CustomObjectFactory) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportEntityConfigDelegate
Set the custom object factory for create row translators.
setRowsElement(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.XMLDelimiterFormatter
Sets the root element name.
setSQLType(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateColumnDefElement
Sets the sql type of the column.
setSQLType(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnDef
Sets the sql type of the column.
setSQLType(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ColumnDefElement
Sets the sql type of the column.
setSQLType(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.DelegateColumnDefElement
Sets the sql type of the column.
setSchema(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateEntityDefElement
Sets the name of the schema that owns the table.
setSchema(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityDef
Sets the name of the schema that owns the table.
setSchema(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.EntityDefElement
Sets the name of the schema that owns the table.
setSource(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateEntityDefElement
Sets the source.
setSource(File) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportEntityDef
Sets the source of the import data.
setSource(File) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ImportEntityDefElement
Sets the source of the import data.
setSourceEncoding(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportEntityDef
Sets the source file's encoding of the import data.
setSourceEntities(EntityDef[]) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.EntityGenerator
Sets the source entities whose data will be used to fill dependent column values.
setStart(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.DateRangeValueGenerator
Sets the start date.
setStart(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.NumberRangeValueGenerator
Set the start number.
setStart(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.generator.NumberSequenceValueGenerator
Set the start number.
setString(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnValue
Sets the column value as a String.
setSupportsBatch(boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityImporter
Sets a flag to indicate whether the connection supports batch updates.
setTable(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateEntityDefElement
Sets the name of the table.
setTable(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityDef
Sets the name of the table.
setTable(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.EntityDefElement
Sets the name of the table.
setTarget(File) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.GenerateEntityDef
Sets the target of the generated data.
setTarget(File) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateEntityDefElement
Sets the target of the generated data.
setTarget(File) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ExportEntityDef
Set the target file.
setTarget(File) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.ExportEntityDefElement
Sets the target file of the exported data.
setTargetEncoding(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.GenerateEntityDef
Set the target file's encoding.
setTargetEncoding(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ExportEntityDef
Set the target file's encoding.
setTranslateFrom(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.SystemTimeColumnTranslator
Set the column value that will be translated into the current date/time.
setTranslator(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateColumnDefElement
Sets the column translator used on every row's column value during the import.
setTranslator(ColumnTranslator) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ExportColumnDef
Sets the column translator used on every row's column value during the export.
setTranslator(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.ExportColumnDefElement
Sets the column translator used on every row's column value during the import.
setTranslator(ColumnTranslator) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportColumnDef
Sets the column translator used on every row's column value during the import.
setTranslator(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.DelegateColumnDefElement
Sets the column translator used on every row's column value during the import.
setTrimValues(boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityImporter
Sets a flag to indicate that values should be trimmed after being read by the delimiter parser
setTrimValues(boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportDef
Sets the flag indicating whether values should be trimmed after reading them from the delimiter parser.
setTrimValues(boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.JDBCImporterTask
Sets the flag indicating whether values should be trimmed after reading them from the delimiter parser.
setTrueValue(int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.BooleanToIntColumnTranslator
Sets the integer value representing 'true'.
setTrueValue(int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.IntToBooleanColumnTranslator
Sets the integer value representing 'true'.
setType(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.ColumnValueGeneratorElement
Sets the column value generator type.
setType(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateDelimiterElement
Sets the delimiter formatter/parser type.
setType(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.DelimiterFormatterElement
Sets the delimtier formatter type.
setType(int) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnDef
Sets the sql type of the column
setType(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ColumnTranslatorElement
Set the column translator type and instantiate the column translator.
setType(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ConnectionDefElement
Sets the connection definition type.
setType(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.DelimiterParserElement
Sets the delimiter parser type.
setType(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.RowTranslatorElement
Set the row translator type and instantiate the row translator.
setUrl(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.JDBCConnectionDef
Sets the connection url.
setUrl(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.XalanConnectionDef
Sets the connection url.
setUsername(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.JDBCConnectionDef
Sets the username.
setUsername(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.XalanConnectionDef
Sets the username.
setValue(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.PropertyElement
Sets the value of the property.
setWhere(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateEntityDefElement
Sets the where clause for an ExportEntityDef.
setWhere(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.ExportEntityDefElement
Sets the where clause used by the select statement.
setWhereClause(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ExportEntityDef
Set the where clause.
setWriter(Writer) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.DelimiterFormatter
Sets the output source for the formatter.
setWriter(Writer) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.CSVDelimiterFormatter
setWriter(Writer) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.FixedDelimiterFormatter
setWriter(Writer) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.PatternDelimiterFormatter
setWriter(Writer) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.XMLDelimiterFormatter
setXSL(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.XMLDelimiterFormatter
Set the XSL that will be used to transform the XML.
setXSL(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.XMLDelimiterParser
Sets the XSL.
setXSLFile(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.XMLDelimiterFormatter
Set the xsl filename that will be used to transform the XML before writing to the file.
setXSLFile(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.XMLDelimiterParser
Sets the XSL file.
setup(Connection) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.DbColumnTranslator
Setup any database resources (ie.
source - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateEntityDefElement
The source file (used when creating an ImportEntityDef).
statement - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.engine.BasicEngine
The statement.
string - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnValue
The string representing the value.
supportsBatch - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityImporter
The flag indicating the JDBC driver supports batch updates.


TARGET_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateEntityConfigDelegate
The attribute name that contains the name of data file that will contain the data generated.
TARGET_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportEntityConfigDelegate
The attribute name that contains the name of data file that will contain the data exported.
TARGET_ENCODING_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.config.GenerateEntityConfigDelegate
The attribute name that contains the encoding of the target file.
TARGET_ENCODING_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportEntityConfigDelegate
The attribute name that contains the encoding of the target file.
TIMESTAMP_FORMAT - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnDef
The timestamp format.
TIME_FORMAT - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnDef
The time format.
TRIM_VALUES_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.config.ImportConfig
The attribute name in the IMPORT_TAG element that contains the flag indicating that values should be trimmed after being read with the delimiter parser.
table - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateEntityDefElement
The name of the table.
target - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateEntityDefElement
The target file (used when creating a GenerateEntityDef).
targetMandatory - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportEntityConfigDelegate
Flag indicating that the 'target' attribute is mandatory (default true).
tmpWriter - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.XMLDelimiterFormatter
The temporary writer.
toString() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.GenerateColumnDef
Overrides Object.toString()
toString() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.GenerateDef
Overrides Object.toString()
toString() - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.GenerateEntityDef
Overrides Object.toString()
toString() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ExportColumnDef
Overrides Object.toString()
toString() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ExportDef
Overrides Object.toString()
toString() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ExportEntityDef
Overrides Object.toString()
toString() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnDef
Overrides Object.toString()
toString() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnValue
Overrides Object.toString()
toString() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportColumnDef
Overrides Object.toString()
toString() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportDef
Overrides Object.toString()
toString() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ImportEntityDef
Overrides Object.toString()
toString() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.JDBCConnectionDef
Overrides Object.toString()
toString() - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.XalanConnectionDef
Overrides Object.toString()
tokens - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.util.CustomMessageFormat
The list of tokens in the pattern.
translateFrom - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.SystemTimeColumnTranslator
The column value that will be translated into the current/date time.
trimValues - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.EntityImporter
The flag indicating that values should be trimmed after being read by the delimiter parser.
trueValue - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.BooleanToIntColumnTranslator
The integer representing the column value 'true'.
trueValue - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.columntranslator.IntToBooleanColumnTranslator
The integer representing the column value 'true'.
type - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateDelimiterElement
The delimiter formatter/parser type.
type - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.ant.DelimiterFormatterElement
The delimiter formatter type.
type - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.ConnectionDefElement
The connection definition type.
type - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.DelimiterParserElement
The delimiter parser type.


UNKNOWN_ENTITY_DEF - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateEntityDefElement
Constant indicating that the EntityDef type is unknown.
UNKNOWN_SQL_TYPE - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ColumnDef
Constant that indicates that the column's SQL Type is unknown.
UPDATE_EXPRESSION_PROPERTY - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.engine.UpdateEngine
The property on a column definition whose value will be used as the update expression for that column (the value should contain the character '?').
UpdateEngine - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.engine.UpdateEngine.
The UpdateEngine class executes an insert or update sql statement.
UpdateEngine() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.engine.UpdateEngine
url - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.JDBCConnectionDef
The connection url.
url - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.XalanConnectionDef
The connection url.
username - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.JDBCConnectionDef
The username.
username - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.XalanConnectionDef
The username.


value - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.ant.PropertyElement
The value of the property.


WHERE_CLAUSE_ATTR - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.config.ExportEntityConfigDelegate
The attribute name that contains the where clause for the sql select statement.
where - Variable in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.ant.DelegateEntityDefElement
The where clause (used when creating an ExportEntityDef).
writeHeader - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.CSVDelimiterFormatter
Flag to indicate that the header should be written before the next row is.
writeNextRow(String) - Method in interface net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.DelimiterFormatter
Writes the next row to the output source.
writeNextRow(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.CSVDelimiterFormatter
writeNextRow(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.FixedDelimiterFormatter
writeNextRow(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.PatternDelimiterFormatter
writeNextRow(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.XMLDelimiterFormatter
writeRowToDisk(String, int, ColumnValue[]) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.EntityGenerator
Write a given row to a temporary file.
writeToBad(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.LogImportListener
Write the string to the bad rows log.
writeToLog(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.LogDataGeneratorListener
Write the given string to the log.
writeToLog(Exception) - Method in class net.sourceforge.datagenerator.event.LogDataGeneratorListener
Write the given exception to the log.
writeToLog(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.LogExportListener
Write the given string to the log.
writeToLog(Exception) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.event.LogExportListener
Write the given exception to the log.
writeToLog(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.LogImportListener
Write the given string to the log.
writeToLog(Exception) - Method in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.event.LogImportListener
Write the given exception to the log.
writer - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.FixedDelimiterFormatter
The output writer.
writer - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.XMLDelimiterFormatter
The output writer.


XMLDelimiterFormatter - class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.XMLDelimiterFormatter.
The XMLDelimiterFormatter class implements the DelimiterFormatter interface to format column values into an XML document and transform the XML document with the given XSL.
XMLDelimiterFormatter() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.XMLDelimiterFormatter
XMLDelimiterParser - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.XMLDelimiterParser.
The XMLDelimiterParser class implements the DelimiterParser interface to parse column values from an XML document that was transformed with the given XSL.
XMLDelimiterParser() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.XMLDelimiterParser
Constructor for XMLDeliimiterParser.
XalanConnectionDef - class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.XalanConnectionDef.
The XalanConnectionDef class defines the attributes to use to retrieve a connection from the DriverManager and supply it to Apache Xalan for use in an XSL.
XalanConnectionDef() - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.connection.XalanConnectionDef
xmlSource - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.XMLDelimiterParser
The input reader.
xslResultFile - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.XMLDelimiterParser
The filename to store the XML after it has been transformed with the XSL.
xslResultReader - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.XMLDelimiterParser
The input reader after the XML has been transformed with the XSL.
xslString - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcexporter.formatter.XMLDelimiterFormatter
The XSL used to transform the XML.
xslString - Variable in class net.sourceforge.jdbcimporter.parser.XMLDelimiterParser
The XSL used to transform the XML.